Saturday, March 29, 2014

Week 2

How has it been a week already? Man. That is so crazy!! SO much happened this week that I don't even know where to start! But I guess first of all, Sister Peterson and I are Sister Training Leaders. So that's pretty cool! We just kind of help out all of the sisters in our zone and make sure they feel loved :) 

So both of our investigators don't believe in God. So that has been quite the challenge to explain to them who God is and that he LOVES them! But we have really improved our teaching skills this week. We were teaching Brad about the Book of Mormon and as he was reading he was like, "Dang! This book has all of the answers!!" Haha it was the greatest thing EVER. Sister Peterson and I were like YES! It sure does. :) 

On Tuesday, Stanley G. Ellis from the Seventy spoke to us. Something that he said that I loved was that, "Everyone wants to be a part of a winning team." It just made me really happy because I am part of a winning team! I'm on the Lord's side. :) And everyone can be on His team! So come and join!! It is the greatest thing you will ever be a part of. :) 

I got to be a host for the new missionaries that came this week! It was a little crazy.. but way fun! It started raining and stuff though.. so I got to try out my fancy new rain coat! Don't worry, it's waterproof. ;) I was tempted to wear my rain boots, but it wasn't raining hard enough to do that. But everyone loved my AWESOME umbrella! Haha

So I'm not really one who likes to act, but we role play a lot here. Sister Jensen and I were role playing the other day and it was SO AMAZING! Holy cow. We both got so into it and we both just had tears in our eyes. It was the coolest role play ever. The Spirit that we felt was incredible! I wish all of you could've experienced it! 

Do you know what today is? Today is 10 days down for me and 10 months for Dakota! Is that crazy or what?! Haha. I thought it was pretty cool. :)

I want you all to know that I love you so much! Thank you for all of the love and support that you've given me. I know that my Savior has suffered 100% for me. So the things that I do every day prove to Him that I'm worth saving. That I'm worth that sacrifice that He made! So keep that in mind as you go about your week. :) You are loved!! Also, David A Bednar said, "Is it the Holy Ghost or is it just me? Don't worry about it." Act on your righteous promptings. :) 

I'll talk to you all next week when I'm in Washington!! Wahoo!! :) 

Sister Flamm 

P.S. I can't wait to see pictures of my new nephew when he comes!!! :) :)

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