Monday, May 19, 2014

Week 9

Why hello everyone! 

This week went pretty well! We have some good things starting to happen here in Enumclaw. :) We did about 10 hours of service this week! So that was super nice. We were able to be outside a lot in our JEANS! I was pretty pumped about that. Because being in a skirt all the time is kind of the pits... because I'm pretty much sick of all of my clothes already. Ha it's a problem! So if anyone wants to send me some cute clothes I will gladly accept them. ;) 

So we were able to do a lot of yard work this week! I'm going to be a pro at planting flowers :) My biggest struggle is getting my hands dirty though... Haha I hate it when dirt gets in my fingernails! But it's fine, I'll get over it. ;) We showed up at a less active's house the other day and she had a bunch of flowers that she was starting to plant throughout her yard. So we offered to help her! She turned us down though because she didn't want us to get our skirts all dirty and stuff. But guess what! We had jeans in our car. :) Great idea, huh! Then we can give service to people right then and there! Ha. We also keep our poop covered rain boots in the trunk as well. Just in case we have to shovel horse stalls. ;) So it all just works out. Doing service is a great thing :) Most of the people that we gave service to were less actives. But I know that they are just as important as non-members. We are all God's children and he wants everyone to come back to him! 

Everyday we recite "Our Purpose" as missionaries. It says, Our purpose is to "Invite others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel through faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end." So as missionaries and member missionaries, our purpose is to invite and help. And the investigator's role is tocome and receive. Our role really isn't that hard! We don't need to baptize everyone that we see, but we do need to invite them!! We need to help them to come to know and have a relationship with their Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ. We can all do it!! So I challenge all of you to find those people that you can help and invite. And then allow the full time missionaries to teach them. :) 

Well I love you all so much! I hope you have a fantastic week. Look for ways to serve and bless the lives of others. And in return, you will be blessed as well. :) 

Sister Maurcine Flamm 

Ps. Check out my friend Bruce! He's a pretty cool little turtle. And he's actually pretty fast!

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