Monday, August 10, 2015

Week 72

What a week full of miracles! 

We found 8 new investigators this week! So that was basically the coolest thing ever! :) The struggle is still getting them to come to church.. but one of them did! Along with Karla and her family and Sister Coker! It was just so good. I was talking to our new investigator Bernice and she said that she couldn't sleep the other night so she just started reading the Book of Mormon and couldn't put it down. Haha so I don't know how far she got.. but how cool is that?! The Book of Mormon will change everyone's life if they sincerely read, ponder, and pray about it. I don't know if I told you last week, but we're inviting all of our investigators to read the first book of Nephi in 10 days. So that's about 15 minutes a day. I invite you all to do the same! I know that just like it says in 1 Nephi 1:12, As you read, you will be "filled with the Spirit of the Lord." :) 

We also taught this kid named Enrique about the Book of Mormon yesterday. We asked him why he personally would want to read it. He said that he wanted to search it to find answers to questions that he had and for some guidance from God. He said that he's been struggling to know if God really is there for him. So it was so cool to see him have a desire to read the Book of Mormon to gain a stronger relationship with our Heavenly Father!

Federal Way is the best because you get to teach people from all around the world. We got to teach a girl from Japan and a mom and son from Singapore! So that was exciting. The one from Singapore lost her husband about 3 years ago and has been really mourning his loss. So we were able to teach her part of the plan of salvation last week and then hopefully teach the rest of it this week! In sacrament meeting yesterday they talked a lot about how the family is of God. It was such powerful meeting. I'm just so grateful to have this knowledge of the gospel and be able to share that with everyone that will hear us out. 

Well this is my last week with Sister Webb! Next Monday she goes home. :( It's going to be super sad!! She's been such an amazing companion and friend. I love that girl to death!! I've been so blessed to be able to serve with her for 3 transfers. :) 

Well sorry that I've been horrible at wishing everyone happy birthday.. But Happy Birthday to Kyle (last week), Aaron, and Mataya! And whoever else I might be missing.:) 

I love you guys!! Have a great week. :) 
Sister Maurcine Flamm 

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