Sunday, January 4, 2015

Week 40

Hello everyone!!

I hope you had a fantastic Christmas! So.. I'm sorry that I completely lost my voice!! Haha that was so dumb.. I couldn't believe it! It was great to see all of you though! Haha I couldn't say too much.. but I'm glad Skype was working :) It was weird cause I wasn't really sick.. my voice was just gone! But no worries, it's mostly back now. I don't know what the deal was.. but whatever. Hopefully I'll be able to talk to you guys next time. :) 

Christmas day was a lot of fun though! We went around to a lot of the members and Sister Pearson sang them a song on her guitar. She sang a song about the Atonement that she made up herself. Maybe I can try to send you a video of it or something.. it was SO good!! She's a champion and is definitely going to be famous someday. I just love her and I'm so grateful that I get to be companions with her! She's taught me so much and it's going to be sad to see her go at the end of this transfer! 

I got to go on exchanges this week with Sister Webb! She's the one that I'm facebook friends with that I met before the mission. Ha she's the best!! We had so much fun together. I'm really hoping that I'll get to be companions with her sometime soon. :) 

For the first time on my mission I woke up super late. Like 7:22a.m.! Haha it was crazy.. we had set our alarm for 6:30but forgot to switch it from p.m. to a.m. So Sister Pearson and I jumped out of bed and booked it trying to get ready so that we could make it on time for studies at 8. It's a good thing that yesterday was Sunday and we didn't have to work out! Ha cause that just would've been the pits.. 

I can't really think of much to tell you guys.. ha my brain is dead. But please pray for all of our investigators! We've got Gaby and Sergio who are trying to get their marriage papers so that they can get married and then baptized! Then we've got mother and daughter Corinne and Carley who are really going through a lot. Carley's parents are divorced and her dad told her the other day that he's not going to give her his blessing and won't support her in her baptism. So if you can think of anything that we can do for that, let us know! We're a little stuck. We're just praying that his heart will be softened though!! Then we've got Emily. She's about 23 and her mom just got baptized about a month ago. She's so sweet! But like I said, I know that the power of prayer is real. So I'd really appreciate if you guys could pray for them! :) 

Thank you so much for everything. I really appreciate all of the gifts and love and support! I love you all so much! 
Sister Flamm

1 comment:

  1. Your blog is great <3
    Do you want to follow each other?
