Monday, September 14, 2015

Week 75

Remember when I was going to decide to be grateful in my circumstances this last week? Haha. Well.. I tried. ;) 

So Friday night comes and after our nightly planning I'm just like. "Man. My head itches! Sister Goodman will you see if there's anything on my head?" So we sit down and she just starts fingering through my hair like a monkey. So I'm just sitting there and then all of the sudden this huge wet thing smacks my hand. I look down and then say, "Did you just drool on me?! She just says, "Sorry. I was just so shocked at what I found!" So... want to see what we found?? 

TWENTY. Twenty of these little suckers!!! Do you know what that is?! Well... it's lice. That one in the picture is like a little tiny baby one. We found some like 5x that big. I wanted to die. And shave my head. Yep. That crossed my mind more than once! Haha but then I thought.. Ehh.. better not. ;) 
Sister Goodman is SO great though. She helped me comb through my hair for hours on Saturday. We were nit picking and killing lice left and right. Then she basically cleaned up the whole apartment. I don't know what I would do without her! She's a good one. :) I'm seriously so blessed. We combed through my hair yesterday and didn't find any more. But we have to keep doing it for like a week or so to make sure we got rid of all of them. I'm telling you.. it was crazy stuff. 

But... I was able to go to church yesterday! So that was the best thing ever. Hopefully I didn't pass it on to anyone.. :) Then we went out and contacted and taught a bunch of people. We met these 2 Samoan girls and they let us right into their home. They had a bunch of questions so we were answering those and then taught them the Restoration. As we were teaching about Joseph Smith one of them told us that if she was him she would just make her own church. So we kept teaching and asking questions and then she totally connected the dots. She was like, "Wait! I wouldn't be able to make my own church because I wouldn't have that authority to do that." Haha it was seriously one of the coolest lessons ever. At the end she said, "I just kind of want to cry right now!" The Spirit was so strong in that discussion! Man. I just wanted to cry as well. :) Miracles all over the place!!! Life is good. :) 

Well I hope you all had a fantastic week! And I hope the lice doesn't come your way. But check your heads just in case. :) I love you all so much!! 

Sister Maurcine Flamm 

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