Monday, April 28, 2014

Week 6

Guess who didn't have to shovel horse poop this week?! This girl! :) Yeah! I was pretty happy about that :) Ha we worked on another farm this week though! But it was a sweet one. It was way nice and very well kept. I just really want some cowboy boots. Then my life would be complete! ;) 

We met a potential investigator this week! His name is Deshaun and he's about 20 years old. We taught him the Restoration on Friday and then we're going to teach him about the Book of Mormon tonight! So pray that all goes well! He doesn't have any religious background. He said that he can only remember praying once. But we got him to say a simple prayer last week! So now he has prayed twice. :) Haha I pretty much just told him how we pray and then Sis. Goaslind and I folded our arms, closed our eyes, and waited for him to pray. He was like uhh.. ok. Haha it was funny. But he did a great job! I hope that he'll want to learn more and that he'll be able to receive answers as he continues to pray. Because I know that God will answer him if he listens! 

We totally had two dinners on Saturday night. One right after the other! Holy intense. I tried to just have small portions at both houses. But it was a little tricky cause everything was just so good! Ha. But the best part was that I got dessert twice. :) Haha so that was great. :) I try to get Sister Goaslind to run with me in the mornings, but she's kind of a party pooper sometimes. So we usually just end up walking! But it's better than nothing I guess.. :)

We taught Khloe this week and she even came to church again yesterday! And she said she loved it :) She's so great! Man I just love her. Keep praying for her and her mom! She said that her parents still don't want her to get baptized until she's 17. And she's not even 16 yet. She's so ready right now! So hopefully we can get things worked out. 

We had a new member devotional/fireside thing last night and it was awesome. New members from around the area got up and shared their testimonies. One girl said that she stayed up for 3 nights reading the Book of Mormon. She said that the only thing that kept her awake was drinking lots of coffee. Then she was like, "That was before I knew about about the whole "no coffee" thing." Haha it was so funny! I can't wait to watch the progression of those that I teach :) 

Alma 13:24. God is preparing his children to hear the gospel! So share what you believe with everyone. Because we don't know who is ready and willing to accept it right now!
Well.. that's pretty much all that happened this week! I love you all and I'll talk to you next week! Thank you so much for all of the prayers! 

Sister Maurcine Flamm

Monday, April 21, 2014

Week 5

I don't even understand how it's p-day already... the days go by way too fast!! 

I dyed Sister Goaslind's hair this week! So that was fun. I did it like a champion. :) Ha it looks pretty good! I want to dye my hair.. but then I don't. Because I don't want to keep dying it. So we'll see how long I last without doing it! It's going to be a struggle. Ha

So is Studio C still a big deal? All of the members here love it. They think it's the funniest thing ever! But I guess Mallory Everton is coming to our Stake this weekend! (She's from Studio C) But she's going to give a little fireside and it's supposed to be amazing. So we're getting all of the ward members to invite their inactive friends! It should be a great turnout :) 

We worked on the farm again this week. Horses are SO HUGE. And they scare me. Especially when they're hungry! Because they just kick the stalls and make a lot of noise. Haha Sister Goaslind and I don't know what the heck we're doing! But it's fine. We're learning! And hopefully we'll be able to start teaching too. The lady who owns the farm is a non-member and so is her 15 year old son. She doesn't seem too interested but she wants her son to be involved because she thinks our church has good standards. We'll see how it goes! :) 

Sister Goaslind got pink eye this week. So that was lame because we spent like 3 hours meeting with the doctor, traveling, and getting her eye drops. Then we had to spend the next day inside because she was contagious for 24 hours. Laaaame. But it's fine :) Haha we got a lot of studying in that day! I started reading Jesus the Christ and that book is AMAZING! I loved learning about Christ's last week before he was crucified. Today I read a little bit about his Resurrection and I can't even explain how amazing that is to me. I learned SO many things that I had no clue about! It was just great :) 

So funny thought for the day.. we ran into this elderly lady who just started telling us about her problems and just really needed some comfort. So we talked to her a lot about Jesus Christ and the Atonement. Then she started talking about Jesus Christ and she was like, "He's the Alfafa and the Omega!" Hahaha I almost died. I had to bite my tongue so that I wouldn't bust up laughing!! Haha oh gosh. It was the greatest. She was so sweet :) I really like her :) Ha 

On Saturday I hit 1 month! It seems like it's been a day.. SO CRAZY. There is so much work to be done though! I'm excited :) 

I love you all so much. I hope you took the time to think about Christ and appreciate everything that he has done for us. I love him. I really truly do. Do what you can to come closer to him and bring others unto him as well. :) 

"For behold, the Lord your Redeemer suffered death in the flesh; wherefore he suffered the pain of all men, that all men might repent and come unto him." -D&C 18:11

Sister Flamm

Monday, April 14, 2014

Week 4

So.. I'm definitely in farm town.

Haha this week has been fun! Sister Goaslind and I had the opportunity to clean horse stalls! It was a blast. ;) Haha sort of. Shoveling horse crap is SO GROSS. Seriously. Shoveling that stuff is a job for the boys! We took some pictures and videos though. I'll try to send some of them. :) But Spencer and Nathan, you can't even complain when you have to shovel Brodie's poop! Because it's nothing compared to what I've seen this week. Haha and all of my friends who grew up on a farm- I'm sorry. Haha I'm never going to have animals. All they do is shed hair and poop all the time. :)

But on a better note! We had 2 less actives come to church yesterday! So that was way sweet. :) They were participating and everything. You wouldn't have guessed that they hadn't been active in like forever! There are SO many less actives in this ward so we're trying to go around and meet everyone. And then hopefully with the help of the members, we can get a lot more people active!
I don't know if I told you this, but a lady in our ward does our laundry for us every week. I don't what she uses, but she made our laundry smell like heaven!! Ahh.. I'm just super pumped about that right now. :) She's amazing!! And so is this ward :)

If you haven't seen this video yet, you need to. We went around to members and non-members yesterday and shared it with them. I absolutely love it! It's so simple and so great. So watch it and ask yourself, "What can I do because of Him?" And then let me know! I want to hear what you guys come up with. :) I want all of you to know that I KNOW that my Savior lives. I know that becuase he lives, we will all live again! Death is NOT the end! I can't wait to live forever with the ones that I love. :) But we all have work to do! We need to strengthen and build each other up! Our goal shouldn't be to make it to heaven alone, but to make it with our loved ones. Heaven will not be heaven if we're by ourselves. So what can you do? Share this video with everyone! I promise that it's not that hard to post it on Facebook. :) You can do it! Don't be afraid.

I love you all so much! Thank you for all of the support that you have given me. I couldn't have done this by myself! But continue to write to me and let me know what's going on. I love to hear from you guys. :) And don't forget to share the gospel!! Because that's more important than writing to me. :) Haha

I'll talk to you next week! :)

Sister Maurcine Flamm

Monday, April 7, 2014

Week 3

Holy cow! Hello everyone!!

Haha so I litterally just went through like 25 emails. Thank you SO much for everyone who took the time to write me! I'll try to get back to all of you soon! :)

So I'm in Washington! Wahoo!! This place is absolutely amazing. Apparently I came at the best time because it has been sunny and warm and everything is just so green! Haha I love it. :) So first of all, my companion's name is Sister Goaslind. You don't pronounce the "a" though. Haha pretty sure I say her name wrong all of the time. But I'll get it down! She's super great though. We get along really well and I know that I'll learn a ton from her! This is her second time training and she's been out for about 9 months. She's 21 and is from Sandy, Utah. So yeah.. :) Haha.

We live in a little house/apartment thing behind a member's house. It's a cute little blue house.. :) It has been occupied by Elder's for like 10ish years though.. so that's fun. Haha. Umm so this area is great. The members are so pumped about missionary work right now! They have been such a blessing to Sister Goaslind and I because we don't know what the heck we're doing. We got white-washed... so we both don't know anyone or our way around Enumclaw! But we have a GPS so we're trying to get things figured out. We've been trying to visit the members and get to know some of the less actives. Great things are going to happen here! :)
Our first night here we taught 2 less actives. So we got right to work!! We also had dinner at a member's home. The member's here really take care of us! Haha all we've heard lately is how excited everyone is to finally have Sister Missionaries! We're the first ones that this ward has had in like FOREVER! So it's all just really exciting. :) We're like super stars here or something! A little girl ran up to her mom and was like, "Mom! I saw the Sister's!! And they are so pretty!!" Hahah it was so great. I think everyone was just tired of seeing Elder's all of the time! ;)

So confrence was great! We watched all of the sessions at the church except for Sunday morning. We went to Bishop Sorrenson's house for breakfast and conference. Sister Sorrenson made baked french toast and it was AMAZING. But even more amazing than that, we had an investigator there with us! Her name is Khloe and she's 15. She is the cutest girl I have ever met. She has taken the misionary discussions before, but her mom didn't want her to rush into anything. So she had her look into other churches! But she told us that she knows that our church is true. So we're going to continue to teach her and then hopefully her mom's heart will be softened and she'll allow Khloe to be baptized! So pray for them! Everyone needs this gospel! :)

So I can't remember in conference who talked about that Sister Missionary getting mashed potatoes thrown at her, but that was crazy! I probably would've just cried. I like how she just walked away though and didn't say anything mean to him. That would take a lot of self control! In my personal studies lately I've been reading about Christ before he was crucified. He had so many horrible things happen to him! In Matthew 27:30 it says, "And they spit upon him, and took the reed, and smote him on the head." After they did that they took him away to crucify him. Can you even imagine?? Because I can't. He allowed all of those things to happen to him because HE LOVES US. He knew that he had to experience those things in order for us to return to him and Heavenly Father again someday. He was the perfect example of loving others! I guess that's why I really liked the story about the Sister Missionary because she acted just as Christ would've. I know that I need to learn how to love as Christ did.

I feel like I have so much to tell all of you, but I can't really think of what to say! Haha this week has flown past because we've been so busy. But it's great! I am loving this opportunity that I have to be a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. :) I want you all to know that I love my Savior and that I know that he loves each and every one of you. I challenge you to draw closer to him and to more fully use The Atonement in your life. :) Also, challenge to all of you! Start reading Preach My Gospel! And then tell me what you learn. :) I love you all! Keep writing to me!! :) I'll talk to you soon!
Sister Flamm