Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Week 78

Life doesn't even seem real right now. I feel like I'll be a full time missionary forever and yet I know that I'm going home soon. Probably because everyone and their dog keep asking me about it. Haha this old guy in our ward sang to me yesterday, "My bags are packed, I'm ready to gooo!" Apparently it was a song that was playing at the airport when he was coming home from his mission. So every time he ran into me yesterday he'd sing that song. I was like, "Brother Hall! My bags aren't even packed! I'm going to be here forever." Haha he's a clown.. 

I'm so grateful for this opportunity that I've had to represent my Savior. I know that He lives. And striving to bring others unto Him has been one of my greatest blessings. Serving a mission has been the best decision that I have ever made in my life. It's been a roller coaster. Filled with ups and downs! But it has been more than worth it. 

I was reading today in Jacob 4 and in verse 7 it says, "Nevertheless, the Lord God showeth us our weakness that we may know that it is by his grace, and his great condescensions unto the children of men, that we have power to do these things." I know that there is NO way that I could've done this work without the help of my Savior. He has strengthened me more than I can even express. He truly makes our weaknesses strengths. I'm not perfect, but I've grown so much. I know that this gospel is learning experience each and every day of our lives. There are always ways that we can improve! So I'm excited that I can learn and grow in the gospel for the rest of my life. :) 

I know that our Savior's Atonement is real and that it is for each and every one of us. President Henry B. Eyring said, You will never meet anyone ever in your life that the Savior did not love enough to have paid the full price." I know that that's true! And if you haven't read it yet, read through this poem. It's from this month's Ensign. I love my Savior Jesus Christ. I know that He truly is with us at all times. 

I love you all. SO, so, so much. Thank you for your love and support. I have thee greatest friends and Flammily in the world. I'll see you all soon. :) 
Sister Maurcine Flamm 

His Perfect Atonement
I used to believe
That there was a hole
In Christ’s Atonement—
That He could save everyone—
Except me.
But I was wrong.
There is not one hole,
But seven.
Two holes in
His Hands
Where they nailed Him
To a cross
At the behest of those
He would die
To save,
Two holes in
His wrists
Where they ensured
The weight of His body
Would not cause
His hands
To rip through
Before His penance
Was complete,
Two holes in
His feet
Where He stood
As a witness to all
Of God’s unyielding love
For each
Of His children,
And one hole in
His side
Where they pierced Him
To prove His work
Was done.
Seven perfect holes
In earth’s only
Perfect Man.
The perfect Atonement
To patch the holes in our lives.
His holes make us
I was wrong.
There is a
In Christ’s Atonement
For me
After all.
-Kasey Hammer, Utah, USA

Monday, September 14, 2015

Week 77

Miracles all day every day. :) Last week I went on exchanges with a Tongan sister named Sister Sonasi. She's stinkin hilarious! I just love her. :) So we were walking around about to go back for lunch and she says to me, "Think we can find one more person before we go back?" I was like, "You bet!!" So I start praying for Heavenly Father to lead us to one more person that is prepared. I'm praying and praying and then we see someone clear out in the parking lot getting into his car. So I yell "hello!" but he didn't hear me. So we keep heading toward him, yelling as we go to try and get his attention. Haha. Before he closed his car door I asked him, "Hey! Are you heading off to work?" He stops and says, "Well, it depends on who's asking! Did I win the lottery?" We just laughed and told him that what we had to share was WAY better than winning the lottery. We then testified of how it brought eternal, not temporary, happiness. He was a little hesitant about it but starting opening up to us and asked us some questions.  As we continued talking to him we were able to transition into the Restoration. We pulled out the pamphlet and showed him the pictures as we taught. We were able to help him connect the dots and then he agreed to letting us come back and teach him more. We left him the pamphlet and told him to come with more questions for us. It was really cool because he told us that he had seen missionaries in a few different countries throughout the years as he has traveled. We testified of God's love for all of his children and that missionaries are called throughout the world to share this sacred message. He was definitely impressed! We were praying to find someone ready to accept the gospel before we went home for lunch and sure enough, we found him! It just took a little persistence and not giving up even when it seemed like he was busy. :) As we were leaving we realized that we forgot to say a prayer with him though.(Because saying a prayer at the end now counts as a lesson. :)) Haha so Sister Sonasi quickly turned around and ran over to his car and asked if we could pray with him before he left. He agreed and turned off his car so that we could pray. After the prayer he said, "You're right. This does seem better than winning the lottery!" WHAAAT?! Who says that?! Haha I'm telling ya, this guy was GOLDEN. He's not in my area but I'm really excited that Sister Sonasi and her companion will get to teach him. :) 
President and Sister Eaton came over for companion study the other day and it was so great. Haha they kill me. We've had a bunch of bees getting into our apartment for some reason and one of them kept flying around President. So he started chasing after it. He was jumping up and down with a notebook trying to smash the dang thing. Haha it was the funniest sight ever because he's just so short! Haha but sure enough he killed it. :) We had a really good Book of Mormon read with them though. We read about Lehi's family leaving Jerusalem and traveling to the wilderness. He then said, "Journeys to spiritual lands of promise usually involve us making sacrifices." It's so true. But I know that these sacrifices that we are asked to make are often hard, but always worth it. God knows what's going to help us the most. He's just trying to bless us. :) 

Well I hope you all have a week full of miracles! Be good and share the gospel! I love you all :) 

Sister Maurcine Flamm 

Week 76


I hope everyone is having a great week! We've had so many great lessons this last week. The best thing ever is teaching people on the spot though. As we were in this apartment complex trying to find a potential investigator, we ran into this guy who I think was the potentials ex-husband.. Anyways! So we started talking to him and we testified to him about families and how the gospel truly blesses our families. He let us keep talking so then I asked if I could share a scripture with him. We read Helaman 5:12 and he was listening so intently. After I finished he said, "Wow. I think I need to sit down before I pass out." We were like uhh.. are you ok?? He told us that he was but he didn't know what just hit him. So we had him explain how he was feeling and it was definitely the Spirit. Haha it was so great. We told him to download the Book of Mormon app and then wrote down the scripture reference for him as well. He was so excited! He was like I'm going to go inside right now and read it again! He was tearing up big time. We then prayed for him and his family. Man.. I just know with all of my heart that The Book of Mormon is the word of God. It's so true. The world has the Bible, but I'm so grateful to have the privilege of sharing the Book of Mormon with everyone. This crazy world needs it! 

We were on exchanges yesterday and me and my companion were out and about talking to everyone and we saw this big Tongan group at the park. So we were like let's go get some more Restoration pamphlets and go teach them! So as we were walking back to our car, we hear someone yelling, "Sisters! Come over here! Come get some lunch!" Haha turns out that they were all from the Tongan ward.. So they loaded us up with a bunch of food and then we were on our way to find more people to talk to! Ha Polynesians are so great. They said that in their ward they feed the missionaries every day for every single meal. I. Would. Die. Haha talk about MAJOR weight gain. 

Well I love you all so dang much! Be happy! Life is so good. Go help someone in need this week! :) Talk to ya later! 

Sister Maurcine Flamm 

Week 75

Remember when I was going to decide to be grateful in my circumstances this last week? Haha. Well.. I tried. ;) 

So Friday night comes and after our nightly planning I'm just like. "Man. My head itches! Sister Goodman will you see if there's anything on my head?" So we sit down and she just starts fingering through my hair like a monkey. So I'm just sitting there and then all of the sudden this huge wet thing smacks my hand. I look down and then say, "Did you just drool on me?! She just says, "Sorry. I was just so shocked at what I found!" So... want to see what we found?? 

TWENTY. Twenty of these little suckers!!! Do you know what that is?! Well... it's lice. That one in the picture is like a little tiny baby one. We found some like 5x that big. I wanted to die. And shave my head. Yep. That crossed my mind more than once! Haha but then I thought.. Ehh.. better not. ;) 
Sister Goodman is SO great though. She helped me comb through my hair for hours on Saturday. We were nit picking and killing lice left and right. Then she basically cleaned up the whole apartment. I don't know what I would do without her! She's a good one. :) I'm seriously so blessed. We combed through my hair yesterday and didn't find any more. But we have to keep doing it for like a week or so to make sure we got rid of all of them. I'm telling you.. it was crazy stuff. 

But... I was able to go to church yesterday! So that was the best thing ever. Hopefully I didn't pass it on to anyone.. :) Then we went out and contacted and taught a bunch of people. We met these 2 Samoan girls and they let us right into their home. They had a bunch of questions so we were answering those and then taught them the Restoration. As we were teaching about Joseph Smith one of them told us that if she was him she would just make her own church. So we kept teaching and asking questions and then she totally connected the dots. She was like, "Wait! I wouldn't be able to make my own church because I wouldn't have that authority to do that." Haha it was seriously one of the coolest lessons ever. At the end she said, "I just kind of want to cry right now!" The Spirit was so strong in that discussion! Man. I just wanted to cry as well. :) Miracles all over the place!!! Life is good. :) 

Well I hope you all had a fantastic week! And I hope the lice doesn't come your way. But check your heads just in case. :) I love you all so much!! 

Sister Maurcine Flamm