Monday, September 14, 2015

Week 77

Miracles all day every day. :) Last week I went on exchanges with a Tongan sister named Sister Sonasi. She's stinkin hilarious! I just love her. :) So we were walking around about to go back for lunch and she says to me, "Think we can find one more person before we go back?" I was like, "You bet!!" So I start praying for Heavenly Father to lead us to one more person that is prepared. I'm praying and praying and then we see someone clear out in the parking lot getting into his car. So I yell "hello!" but he didn't hear me. So we keep heading toward him, yelling as we go to try and get his attention. Haha. Before he closed his car door I asked him, "Hey! Are you heading off to work?" He stops and says, "Well, it depends on who's asking! Did I win the lottery?" We just laughed and told him that what we had to share was WAY better than winning the lottery. We then testified of how it brought eternal, not temporary, happiness. He was a little hesitant about it but starting opening up to us and asked us some questions.  As we continued talking to him we were able to transition into the Restoration. We pulled out the pamphlet and showed him the pictures as we taught. We were able to help him connect the dots and then he agreed to letting us come back and teach him more. We left him the pamphlet and told him to come with more questions for us. It was really cool because he told us that he had seen missionaries in a few different countries throughout the years as he has traveled. We testified of God's love for all of his children and that missionaries are called throughout the world to share this sacred message. He was definitely impressed! We were praying to find someone ready to accept the gospel before we went home for lunch and sure enough, we found him! It just took a little persistence and not giving up even when it seemed like he was busy. :) As we were leaving we realized that we forgot to say a prayer with him though.(Because saying a prayer at the end now counts as a lesson. :)) Haha so Sister Sonasi quickly turned around and ran over to his car and asked if we could pray with him before he left. He agreed and turned off his car so that we could pray. After the prayer he said, "You're right. This does seem better than winning the lottery!" WHAAAT?! Who says that?! Haha I'm telling ya, this guy was GOLDEN. He's not in my area but I'm really excited that Sister Sonasi and her companion will get to teach him. :) 
President and Sister Eaton came over for companion study the other day and it was so great. Haha they kill me. We've had a bunch of bees getting into our apartment for some reason and one of them kept flying around President. So he started chasing after it. He was jumping up and down with a notebook trying to smash the dang thing. Haha it was the funniest sight ever because he's just so short! Haha but sure enough he killed it. :) We had a really good Book of Mormon read with them though. We read about Lehi's family leaving Jerusalem and traveling to the wilderness. He then said, "Journeys to spiritual lands of promise usually involve us making sacrifices." It's so true. But I know that these sacrifices that we are asked to make are often hard, but always worth it. God knows what's going to help us the most. He's just trying to bless us. :) 

Well I hope you all have a week full of miracles! Be good and share the gospel! I love you all :) 

Sister Maurcine Flamm 

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