Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Week 78

Life doesn't even seem real right now. I feel like I'll be a full time missionary forever and yet I know that I'm going home soon. Probably because everyone and their dog keep asking me about it. Haha this old guy in our ward sang to me yesterday, "My bags are packed, I'm ready to gooo!" Apparently it was a song that was playing at the airport when he was coming home from his mission. So every time he ran into me yesterday he'd sing that song. I was like, "Brother Hall! My bags aren't even packed! I'm going to be here forever." Haha he's a clown.. 

I'm so grateful for this opportunity that I've had to represent my Savior. I know that He lives. And striving to bring others unto Him has been one of my greatest blessings. Serving a mission has been the best decision that I have ever made in my life. It's been a roller coaster. Filled with ups and downs! But it has been more than worth it. 

I was reading today in Jacob 4 and in verse 7 it says, "Nevertheless, the Lord God showeth us our weakness that we may know that it is by his grace, and his great condescensions unto the children of men, that we have power to do these things." I know that there is NO way that I could've done this work without the help of my Savior. He has strengthened me more than I can even express. He truly makes our weaknesses strengths. I'm not perfect, but I've grown so much. I know that this gospel is learning experience each and every day of our lives. There are always ways that we can improve! So I'm excited that I can learn and grow in the gospel for the rest of my life. :) 

I know that our Savior's Atonement is real and that it is for each and every one of us. President Henry B. Eyring said, You will never meet anyone ever in your life that the Savior did not love enough to have paid the full price." I know that that's true! And if you haven't read it yet, read through this poem. It's from this month's Ensign. I love my Savior Jesus Christ. I know that He truly is with us at all times. 

I love you all. SO, so, so much. Thank you for your love and support. I have thee greatest friends and Flammily in the world. I'll see you all soon. :) 
Sister Maurcine Flamm 

His Perfect Atonement
I used to believe
That there was a hole
In Christ’s Atonement—
That He could save everyone—
Except me.
But I was wrong.
There is not one hole,
But seven.
Two holes in
His Hands
Where they nailed Him
To a cross
At the behest of those
He would die
To save,
Two holes in
His wrists
Where they ensured
The weight of His body
Would not cause
His hands
To rip through
Before His penance
Was complete,
Two holes in
His feet
Where He stood
As a witness to all
Of God’s unyielding love
For each
Of His children,
And one hole in
His side
Where they pierced Him
To prove His work
Was done.
Seven perfect holes
In earth’s only
Perfect Man.
The perfect Atonement
To patch the holes in our lives.
His holes make us
I was wrong.
There is a
In Christ’s Atonement
For me
After all.
-Kasey Hammer, Utah, USA

Monday, September 14, 2015

Week 77

Miracles all day every day. :) Last week I went on exchanges with a Tongan sister named Sister Sonasi. She's stinkin hilarious! I just love her. :) So we were walking around about to go back for lunch and she says to me, "Think we can find one more person before we go back?" I was like, "You bet!!" So I start praying for Heavenly Father to lead us to one more person that is prepared. I'm praying and praying and then we see someone clear out in the parking lot getting into his car. So I yell "hello!" but he didn't hear me. So we keep heading toward him, yelling as we go to try and get his attention. Haha. Before he closed his car door I asked him, "Hey! Are you heading off to work?" He stops and says, "Well, it depends on who's asking! Did I win the lottery?" We just laughed and told him that what we had to share was WAY better than winning the lottery. We then testified of how it brought eternal, not temporary, happiness. He was a little hesitant about it but starting opening up to us and asked us some questions.  As we continued talking to him we were able to transition into the Restoration. We pulled out the pamphlet and showed him the pictures as we taught. We were able to help him connect the dots and then he agreed to letting us come back and teach him more. We left him the pamphlet and told him to come with more questions for us. It was really cool because he told us that he had seen missionaries in a few different countries throughout the years as he has traveled. We testified of God's love for all of his children and that missionaries are called throughout the world to share this sacred message. He was definitely impressed! We were praying to find someone ready to accept the gospel before we went home for lunch and sure enough, we found him! It just took a little persistence and not giving up even when it seemed like he was busy. :) As we were leaving we realized that we forgot to say a prayer with him though.(Because saying a prayer at the end now counts as a lesson. :)) Haha so Sister Sonasi quickly turned around and ran over to his car and asked if we could pray with him before he left. He agreed and turned off his car so that we could pray. After the prayer he said, "You're right. This does seem better than winning the lottery!" WHAAAT?! Who says that?! Haha I'm telling ya, this guy was GOLDEN. He's not in my area but I'm really excited that Sister Sonasi and her companion will get to teach him. :) 
President and Sister Eaton came over for companion study the other day and it was so great. Haha they kill me. We've had a bunch of bees getting into our apartment for some reason and one of them kept flying around President. So he started chasing after it. He was jumping up and down with a notebook trying to smash the dang thing. Haha it was the funniest sight ever because he's just so short! Haha but sure enough he killed it. :) We had a really good Book of Mormon read with them though. We read about Lehi's family leaving Jerusalem and traveling to the wilderness. He then said, "Journeys to spiritual lands of promise usually involve us making sacrifices." It's so true. But I know that these sacrifices that we are asked to make are often hard, but always worth it. God knows what's going to help us the most. He's just trying to bless us. :) 

Well I hope you all have a week full of miracles! Be good and share the gospel! I love you all :) 

Sister Maurcine Flamm 

Week 76


I hope everyone is having a great week! We've had so many great lessons this last week. The best thing ever is teaching people on the spot though. As we were in this apartment complex trying to find a potential investigator, we ran into this guy who I think was the potentials ex-husband.. Anyways! So we started talking to him and we testified to him about families and how the gospel truly blesses our families. He let us keep talking so then I asked if I could share a scripture with him. We read Helaman 5:12 and he was listening so intently. After I finished he said, "Wow. I think I need to sit down before I pass out." We were like uhh.. are you ok?? He told us that he was but he didn't know what just hit him. So we had him explain how he was feeling and it was definitely the Spirit. Haha it was so great. We told him to download the Book of Mormon app and then wrote down the scripture reference for him as well. He was so excited! He was like I'm going to go inside right now and read it again! He was tearing up big time. We then prayed for him and his family. Man.. I just know with all of my heart that The Book of Mormon is the word of God. It's so true. The world has the Bible, but I'm so grateful to have the privilege of sharing the Book of Mormon with everyone. This crazy world needs it! 

We were on exchanges yesterday and me and my companion were out and about talking to everyone and we saw this big Tongan group at the park. So we were like let's go get some more Restoration pamphlets and go teach them! So as we were walking back to our car, we hear someone yelling, "Sisters! Come over here! Come get some lunch!" Haha turns out that they were all from the Tongan ward.. So they loaded us up with a bunch of food and then we were on our way to find more people to talk to! Ha Polynesians are so great. They said that in their ward they feed the missionaries every day for every single meal. I. Would. Die. Haha talk about MAJOR weight gain. 

Well I love you all so dang much! Be happy! Life is so good. Go help someone in need this week! :) Talk to ya later! 

Sister Maurcine Flamm 

Week 75

Remember when I was going to decide to be grateful in my circumstances this last week? Haha. Well.. I tried. ;) 

So Friday night comes and after our nightly planning I'm just like. "Man. My head itches! Sister Goodman will you see if there's anything on my head?" So we sit down and she just starts fingering through my hair like a monkey. So I'm just sitting there and then all of the sudden this huge wet thing smacks my hand. I look down and then say, "Did you just drool on me?! She just says, "Sorry. I was just so shocked at what I found!" So... want to see what we found?? 

TWENTY. Twenty of these little suckers!!! Do you know what that is?! Well... it's lice. That one in the picture is like a little tiny baby one. We found some like 5x that big. I wanted to die. And shave my head. Yep. That crossed my mind more than once! Haha but then I thought.. Ehh.. better not. ;) 
Sister Goodman is SO great though. She helped me comb through my hair for hours on Saturday. We were nit picking and killing lice left and right. Then she basically cleaned up the whole apartment. I don't know what I would do without her! She's a good one. :) I'm seriously so blessed. We combed through my hair yesterday and didn't find any more. But we have to keep doing it for like a week or so to make sure we got rid of all of them. I'm telling you.. it was crazy stuff. 

But... I was able to go to church yesterday! So that was the best thing ever. Hopefully I didn't pass it on to anyone.. :) Then we went out and contacted and taught a bunch of people. We met these 2 Samoan girls and they let us right into their home. They had a bunch of questions so we were answering those and then taught them the Restoration. As we were teaching about Joseph Smith one of them told us that if she was him she would just make her own church. So we kept teaching and asking questions and then she totally connected the dots. She was like, "Wait! I wouldn't be able to make my own church because I wouldn't have that authority to do that." Haha it was seriously one of the coolest lessons ever. At the end she said, "I just kind of want to cry right now!" The Spirit was so strong in that discussion! Man. I just wanted to cry as well. :) Miracles all over the place!!! Life is good. :) 

Well I hope you all had a fantastic week! And I hope the lice doesn't come your way. But check your heads just in case. :) I love you all so much!! 

Sister Maurcine Flamm 

Monday, August 24, 2015

Week 74

Hey! How's everyone doing?

Things have been great here in Federal Way! I love Sister Goodman. She's basically the nicest person on the planet. Always happy and smiling. :) Ha. We just got back from playing soccer with Aiden and his family and the Crawford family. So basically a bunch of kids under the age of 12. :) Haha it was a blast! Sister Goodman is dang good at soccer. And I'm really out of shape.. Ha. So now I'm sweaty and gross and no one is going to want to talk to me. ;) 

We had a lesson with Bro Boyd this week. He's a member in our ward that we read to each week because he's blind. He has strengthened my testimony SO much!! So we were talking with him and he was telling us how he's on dialysis 3 times a week and how he saves Thursday's for us so that we can come by. He needs a kidney transplant and he told us, "Don't pray for a new kidney. I don't want anyone to die for me because HE already did." It just brought tears to my eyes. He's just such a humble man who is suffering so much! Yet he is patient and understanding of our Heavenly Father's timing. He then told us more about his conversion and said that, "God closed my eyes physically but opened them spiritually." He's always just so grateful! It made me think of the talk by Dieter F. Uchtdorf. In the talk he said, "My dear brothers and sisters, the choice is ours. We can choose to limit our gratitude, based on the blessings we feel we lack. Or we can choose to be like Nephi, whose grateful heart never faltered. When his brothers tied him up on the ship—which he had built to take them to the promised land—his ankles and wrists were so sore “they had swollen exceedingly,” and a violent storm threatened to swallow him up in the depths of the sea. “Nevertheless,” Nephi said, “I did look unto my God, and I did praise him all the day long; and I did not murmur against the Lord because of mine afflictions.”

I know that that's true. We can choose to be happy no matter what. :) So that's what I'm working on this week! I'll let you know how it goes. :) Ha. Well I love you all! Talk to you later! 

Sister Maurcine Flamm 

P.S. Happy late birthday Paige!! :) 

Week 73


This week has flown by and I seriously can't even remember all of the things that happened! First of all though, Sister Webb is gone. :( I killed her off yesterday and now she's home! It was sad to see her go.. but I'll see her soon. General Conference here we come! ;) She was such an amazing companion. I just love her to death. She brought so much joy in missionary work! I knew that I could always count on her and that she'd always have my back. I'm so grateful that Heavenly Father allowed me to be with her for 3 transfers. :) 

My new companion will be Sister Goodman! She's such great sister. I've gone on a few exchanges with her so this should be a really good transfer together here in Federal Way! Ha. You better believe I'm finishing my mission strong in good ol' Star Lake ward. :) I'm pumped! 

Our investigator Bernice is progressing so well. After gospel principles on Sunday she told us that lately she has just felt empty and that learning more about the gospel is filling her life with greater purpose. She's just so sweet! Please keep praying for her. We're doing our best to prepare her for baptism! I know that as she continues to come to church, read from the Book of Mormon each day, and pray, Heavenly Father will provide.  

We had Zone Conference this last week and Sister Webb and I got called on for EVERYTHING. Haha It was insane. We were called on to give talks, lead a group discussion, give our departing testimonies, and something else that was on the spot. I didn't know it was Sister Flamm and Webb Conference! Ha everyone was probably sick of hearing from us! But that's ok. It was a good opportunity for me to share my testimony. 

I love that the leaves are beginning to change. This time of year is always SO beautiful. It's my favorite! We contacted someone yesterday and asked them about the most beautiful thing they saw as they were walking around. We then read 3 Nephi 11:8-10. (Not sure if I've shared this with you before or not...but here it is again!)

"And it came to pass, as they understood they cast their eyes up again towards heaven; and behold, they saw a Man descending out of heaven; and he was clothed in a white robe; and he came down and stood in the midst of them; and the eyes of the whole multitude were turned upon him, and they durst not open their mouths, even one to another, and wist not what it meant, for they thought it was an angel that had appeared unto them.

And it came to pass that he stretched forth his hand and spake unto the people, saying:

Behold, I am Jesus Christ, whom the prophets testified shall come into the world."

Can you even imagine?! That would be to most beautiful view EVER!!! The guy that we talked to definitely agreed. We were then able to teach him more and get his contact info so that missionaries where he lives could teach him. 

I know that Jesus Christ is the light, the life, and the hope of the world. His way is the path that leads to happiness in this life and Eternal life in the world to come. He is the only way! And I know that to be true. You can't be truly happy without this gospel. 

I hope everyone is doing well. I love you all. Tell me about your missionary experiences that you have! :) Talk to you next week! 

Sister Maurcine Flamm 

Monday, August 10, 2015

Week 72

What a week full of miracles! 

We found 8 new investigators this week! So that was basically the coolest thing ever! :) The struggle is still getting them to come to church.. but one of them did! Along with Karla and her family and Sister Coker! It was just so good. I was talking to our new investigator Bernice and she said that she couldn't sleep the other night so she just started reading the Book of Mormon and couldn't put it down. Haha so I don't know how far she got.. but how cool is that?! The Book of Mormon will change everyone's life if they sincerely read, ponder, and pray about it. I don't know if I told you last week, but we're inviting all of our investigators to read the first book of Nephi in 10 days. So that's about 15 minutes a day. I invite you all to do the same! I know that just like it says in 1 Nephi 1:12, As you read, you will be "filled with the Spirit of the Lord." :) 

We also taught this kid named Enrique about the Book of Mormon yesterday. We asked him why he personally would want to read it. He said that he wanted to search it to find answers to questions that he had and for some guidance from God. He said that he's been struggling to know if God really is there for him. So it was so cool to see him have a desire to read the Book of Mormon to gain a stronger relationship with our Heavenly Father!

Federal Way is the best because you get to teach people from all around the world. We got to teach a girl from Japan and a mom and son from Singapore! So that was exciting. The one from Singapore lost her husband about 3 years ago and has been really mourning his loss. So we were able to teach her part of the plan of salvation last week and then hopefully teach the rest of it this week! In sacrament meeting yesterday they talked a lot about how the family is of God. It was such powerful meeting. I'm just so grateful to have this knowledge of the gospel and be able to share that with everyone that will hear us out. 

Well this is my last week with Sister Webb! Next Monday she goes home. :( It's going to be super sad!! She's been such an amazing companion and friend. I love that girl to death!! I've been so blessed to be able to serve with her for 3 transfers. :) 

Well sorry that I've been horrible at wishing everyone happy birthday.. But Happy Birthday to Kyle (last week), Aaron, and Mataya! And whoever else I might be missing.:) 

I love you guys!! Have a great week. :) 
Sister Maurcine Flamm 

Week 71


How's everything going? It's going pretty good over here. We found a new investigator this last week and brought a less active sister out with us to fellowship him. It was so good because she was able to bear her testimony to him about how she came to know the church was true. And then that less active sister came to church for the first time in months!! She even got up during testimony meeting and bore her testimony. She said that she was so excited for the opportunity to come out with us for that lesson and how grateful she was for us coming by and uplifting her each week. It was so sweet!! 

Our investigator Sister Coker texted us yesterday and said that her daughter just went into labor so she couldn't come to church. I guess that's a good enough excuse for not coming.. ;) Ha but definitely keep them in your prayers! I can't wait until I can hold cute little babies again. Someone better have one for me to hold!! Ha. 

We contacted a guy this week using this quote by President Monson.
 It says, "The world can at times be a frightening place in which to live. The moral fabric of society seems to be unraveling at an alarming speed. None—whether young or old or in-between—is exempt from exposure to those things which have the potential to drag us down and destroy us. …

“… But we need not despair. … We are waging a war with sin. … It is a war we can and will win. Our Father in Heaven has given us the tools we need in order to do so.”
 It was so cool because we were able to have such a good discussion about the tools that our Heavenly Father has given us. And one of those is definitely prophets! I know that President Monson has been called of God. He leads and guides us TODAY because times are a lot different then they were back then. I know that the gospel of Jesus Christ is the only way to complete happiness in this life. So we need to choose to make it apart of our lives. 

Well I better run. I love you all so much!! :)

Sister Flamm 

Monday, July 27, 2015

Week 70


We had such a crazy cool lesson this last week! We met this lady named Kristin a few weeks ago and were finally able to teach her last week. We taught her about the Restoration and she was just pumped! She'd read each page of the pamphlet and then ask us questions about it. We had some really good discussions! During Joseph Smith's first vision she lifted her arm and said, "Look at this!! Guys! I have goosebumps! I know that this happened." Sister Webb and I were just dying the whole time... haha this NEVER happens! Where did this lady come from?! Ha. As we were talking she had to get up to smoke. So.. we just followed her to her back patio and continued teaching her. Haha. She then asked us about smoking and drinking. We told her a little bit about that word of wisdom and she understood why she needed to quit. She said that she's been trying to for a while now but just hasn't fully been able to give it up. We were then able to testify about how Christ gives us the strength as we rely on Him. She got all teary eyed and said that she really wanted that help. She then just started praying and thanking Heavenly Father for sending us and for the Spirit that she had felt. We then invited her to be baptized and she was like of course!!! So she pulled out her calendar and wrote in her baptism date. She's like crazy busy because she manages a whole bunch of clothing stores. But she blocked out time to meet with us and to come to church next week! So we're super excited about that. :) But please pray for her! She is going to need a lot of help and she quits smoking. But I know that she can do it with Heaven's help. :) 

We went to the missionary devotional last night with our other investigator Sister Coker! One of the recent converts that bore his testimony said that the missionaries taught him about the word of wisdom and then walked out of his house with his $200 coffee machine. I just looked at Sister Webb and said Oh crap.. we haven't taught her about that yet. Hahah so after the devo Sister Coker was like so what is this about the whole no coffee thing?! So the members that we were with were able to explain it to her. Because they both used to drink as well! So that was a huge blessing. :) We'll have to teach her more about it at our next lesson though. So pray that that goes well. :) 

I can't think of anything else to write.. I'm sure I'll think of more in my letter today. :) I love you all! Have a great week!! 

Sister Maurcine Flamm 

Week 69


We had such a crazy cool lesson this last week! We met this lady named Kristin a few weeks ago and were finally able to teach her last week. We taught her about the Restoration and she was just pumped! She'd read each page of the pamphlet and then ask us questions about it. We had some really good discussions! During Joseph Smith's first vision she lifted her arm and said, "Look at this!! Guys! I have goosebumps! I know that this happened." Sister Webb and I were just dying the whole time... haha this NEVER happens! Where did this lady come from?! Ha. As we were talking she had to get up to smoke. So.. we just followed her to her back patio and continued teaching her. Haha. She then asked us about smoking and drinking. We told her a little bit about that word of wisdom and she understood why she needed to quit. She said that she's been trying to for a while now but just hasn't fully been able to give it up. We were then able to testify about how Christ gives us the strength as we rely on Him. She got all teary eyed and said that she really wanted that help. She then just started praying and thanking Heavenly Father for sending us and for the Spirit that she had felt. We then invited her to be baptized and she was like of course!!! So she pulled out her calendar and wrote in her baptism date. She's like crazy busy because she manages a whole bunch of clothing stores. But she blocked out time to meet with us and to come to church next week! So we're super excited about that. :) But please pray for her! She is going to need a lot of help and she quits smoking. But I know that she can do it with Heaven's help. :) 

We went to the missionary devotional last night with our other investigator Sister Coker! One of the recent converts that bore his testimony said that the missionaries taught him about the word of wisdom and then walked out of his house with his $200 coffee machine. I just looked at Sister Webb and said Oh crap.. we haven't taught her about that yet. Hahah so after the devo Sister Coker was like so what is this about the whole no coffee thing?! So the members that we were with were able to explain it to her. Because they both used to drink as well! So that was a huge blessing. :) We'll have to teach her more about it at our next lesson though. So pray that that goes well. :) 

I can't think of anything else to write.. I'm sure I'll think of more in my letter today. :) I love you all! Have a great week!! 

Sister Maurcine Flamm 

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Week 68

This week has been super great but kind of hard as well. 

So Mona texted us the other day and said that she feels like she can't keep learning more. She said that she's already been baptized and feels like it would be telling God that she doesn't trust Him if she gets baptized again. We were CRUSHED. So we tried texting her back but didn't get a reply. So yesterday we decided that we'd just drop by to see if she'd talk to us. On our way to her apartment we saw a teenage couple outside and started talking to them. It turns out that it was Mona's daughter and her boyfriend! Her daughter told us that she's been arguing with her mom a lot about her decision to meet with us. She said that they're born again Christians and that her mom doesn't need to be baptized Mormon. So.. basically her whole family is just fighting against her! I really feel like she would still be meeting with us if her family wasn't being so stubborn! So PLEASE pray for Mona that she'll have the strength to not give into her family and to start meeting with us again! And also for her daughter's heart to be softened. Angela, her daughter, said that we could call her this week though to set up a time where we can just discuss with her what it is that her mom's learning. So we're praying that that'll go well. :) 

We found 3 families this week! Hopefully we'll get to continue working with all of them. :) On the 4th of July we saw a lady outside her house that just seemed really stressed. So we started talking to her and asked if we could help. She said that she had rented out part of her house to some Christians who just made a complete mess of it. We told her that we would be right back and we went home and changed into service clothes. :) Ha so we served her that day and then went back another day to help with some yard work. We were able to talk to her about our purpose as missionaries and she agreed to let us come back and teach her and her 2 girls! We taught them this last week and Karla, the mom, even prayed at the end of the lesson. She was in tears and just prayed  a lot for strength and for her girls to get along. We then testified to her about how the gospel would give her that strength that her and her family need. It was such a great lesson! Karla even came to church with us yesterday! So that was a miracle. :) Now we're hoping that we can get everyone else there as well! 

Well.. that's all I can think to write about. :) Please keep praying for our investigators! I know that Heavenly Father is hearing and answering those prayers. I love you all and hope you have another great week! 

Sister Maurcine Flamm 

“[Repentance] does not itself pardon past sins; it does not cleanse and sanctify the sinner. The power that achieves these things is the grace, mercy, and merits of Jesus Christ that flow from His infinite Atonement, and it is repentance that grants access to that power.” -D. Todd Christofferson

Week 67

What a week! So I guess first of all.. transfer calls came Sunday night! Guess who my companion is?! SISTER WEBB!!! And guess what area we're in?! FEDERAL WAY!! Hahah.. I'm dying. What a dream come true. Haha I thought that for sure I'd be transferred this time! But nope. :) Looks like I'll be in Federal Way for a whole year of my mission! :) I just love this place. 

This week it's been super hot and in the 90's. So basically I've been getting fried. People keep giving me sunscreen and water though. So I should be prepared for this next week! ;) 

The 4th of July was super awkward and weird. We went to a park so that we could contact a lot of people and so many of them were just rude! We finally got to talk to one guy who spoke Spanish and he said that he'd met with missionaries before and that he'd love to learn more. So we got his name and phone number and then asked for his address. As he was about to give it to us a lady came up and was like, "You need to leave. You got his phone number and that's enough." We were like what in the world?! So we kept standing there and the guy was like, No it's fine! Stay! But she was getting all mad at us and kept telling us to leave. It was SO weird. I don't know who that lady was.. but she sure didn't look like she was related to him. Haha so we just walked away and kept trying to contact. As we were walking back to the car we realized that we were the only white people at the park. Haha.. so we went elsewhere and tried to find some people to teach. :) 

We had a lesson with our investigator Mona yesterday! She's the one that I met at the garage sale last year. She told us that her daughter is going to move in with her and had asked her why she was meeting with us. She told her mom that we read from our own Bible. So Mona told her that the Mormon Bible backs up God's word and that we read from both of them. She was totally defending it! Then she told us that she's been telling everyone that she's meeting with The Sisters and how much she loves it when we come over. How cute is that? Haha she is just so great. Please keep her in your prayers! She's got a few health challenges right now. And.. she might not be living the law of chastity. So pray that that lesson will go well. ;) 

Well I'll write more in my letter home. We did have a lot of great things happen this last week and there are even more to come this week! So we're excited for that :) I love you all SOOO much! 

Sister Maurcine Flamm 

Week 66


It's so weird to think that a year ago I was in this exact same area. And now I'm here again! Still being a missionary and living the dream. :) Last summer I was in a trio with Sister Muir and Kirschner and one day we were helping out at a garage sale for the boys in our ward to raise money for a high adventure trip. We were able to talk to a few nonmembers that came by and we helped them carry things out to their car. So fast forward to about a month ago.. Sister Heiner and I were together and were contacting in an apartment complex. We started talking to this couple and the lady looks at me and says, I know you! She didn't look familiar to me so I asked if we had talked before. She said yes! At a garage sale last summer. You helped me carry some items to my car! I couldn't believe it. I don't know how she remembered me! It was crazy.. so we kept talking and she said that she was in a hurry but would love to talk another time. So fast forward again to last week. We called this lady and she said that we could come over! So we went over the next day and taught her the Restoration. We really feel like she was connecting the dots and sincerely wanted to learn more. She prayed at the end and was just in tears. It was such a cool experience!!! So a lady that I met a year ago became a new investigator last week. :) Coincidence that I came back to this area? Yeah.. I don't think so. :) How crazy is that?! 

This week just got better and better though. We got to teach Kaya Warrior and her mom!! I've been trying to work with this family for a long time now. But they're just so hard to get a hold of! So one of Kaya's good friends is Courtney Walker. Courtney is 19 and has been coming out with us in preparation for her mission. So Kaya agreed to let us come over with Courtney and practice teaching together. We taught the Restoration and I feel like it went over really well. Kaya's mom grew up in the church but fell away when she was 17. Her parents got divorced and she had some really bad experiences with people saying hurtful things to her. So she fell away and hasn't been active in the church since. So as we taught we were able to bring out a lot of her concerns that we didn't know about before! So that was super helpful. We invited them to pray to know if Joseph Smith truly did see Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and they said that they would! We're going to follow up this week and hopefully go over again with Courtney and teach the Book of Mormon. Please pray for them!! They are such an amazing family and I know that the gospel will bless them so much. 

I really like Elder Renlund's talk from this last conference. He said that, "The Church is like a big hospital, and we are all sick in our own way. We come to church to be helped." I know that that is so true. The church is 100% perfect, but the people aren't. We're all in need of help so we just have to be patient with one another :) 
Well I hope everyone has a great week! I love you all so much :) 

Sister Maurcine Flamm 

Monday, June 22, 2015

Week 65

What a crazy week. Remember how Sister Webb and I starting biking? Yeah. So last Thursday was the most perfect day so we decided that we'd bike all day! We biked to an appointment and had a really good lesson with a part member family. We left and started biking to our next appointment. We were cruising! Ha. So Sister Webb was in front leading the way. We were biking on the sidewalk and then had to cross the road to the next sidewalk. There was a car stopped at the stop sign so Sister Webb started biking across. As she was halfway across the guy pushed on the gas and clipped her back tire. She then flew off her bike and landed in the road on her hands and knees. So I jumped off of my bike and ran over to her. She hopped right up and the guy got out of his car and just started apologizing and asking if she was ok. We were both just in shock. She said that she was fine and then guess what he did?! He saw our name tags, got back into his car, and drove away. Did we get his name or license plate number? Nope. Not a thing. It happened so fast!!! So we picked up our bikes and started walking to our appointment. So you better believe we taught another lesson right after Sister Webb got hit by a car. Haha I don't know what we were thinking.. clearly we weren't. :) Sister Webb's hand started hurting her though so we called Sister Eaton and she told us to go get it checked out at Urgent Care. So long story short.. Sister Webb is good! She strained her hand and got a few scrapes and bruises but no broken bones! Talk about a miracle!!! It was crazy. After that I kept thinking about Brooke and how she had to watch me get hit.. and how I had to watch Sister Webb. I decided that Brooke definitely had it worse though because I was screaming bloody murder when it happened to me. (Sorry Brooke!!) Ha. I'm so glad that Heavenly Father is always watching out for us. We're going to keep biking once Sister Webb's bike gets fixed, but don't worry! We'll be super careful :) Oh! And thanks so much for the odometer Keriana! It works like a charm. I've only been able to use it once so far though.. but those 3 miles were great while they lasted. ;) 

We also had the chance to go to a baptism in Puyallup South this last week! It was for a 9 year old girl that Sister Webb worked a lot with and who I taught a couple of times. Her mom gave the talk on baptism and it was so good!! She had 3 dresses displayed. A blessing dress, a baptism dress, and a wedding dress. She then talked about the different names we take upon us when we wear each dress. She emphasized the baptism dress and how we get to take upon us the name of our Savior and how that's such a privilege. It was so cute!! It's probably on pinterest or something.. but I'm totally stealing it for when my daughters get baptized someday. :) 

Well there's probably lots more to write about but that's all I've got for right now. :) I love you all! I hope you had a great Father's Day Dad! I'm so grateful for you and love you so much :) 

Have a good week!!

Sister Flamm 

Week 64

Well thanks for all of the prayers this week! 3 of our investigators came to church yesterday! And 2 of them we found this last week! So that was sweet. We were out contacting the other day and we ran into this lady and her 2 sons. She's from Myanmar and speaks Burmese and not much English. But her son does so he translated everything for us! We went by at the beginning of last week and taught them the Restoration. We weren't sure if Moe Moe (the mom) was understanding, so we tried to ask her some simple questions. I asked her if she remembered the question that Joseph asked Heavenly Father and she said yes. So then I asked her what it was and she said, "he was praying to know what church he should go to!" Then she told us how she had been praying to be able to go to an English Christian church and then the next day she met us! I can't even tell you how cool that was.. I just wanted to cry! Heavenly Father answers prayers, that's for sure!!! It made me think of this verse that I read in 2 Nephi 27 the other day. It says, 23. "For behold, I am God; and I am a God of miracles; and I will show unto the world that I am the same yesterday, today, and forever; and I work not among the children of men save it be according to their faith." 

I know that God truly is a God of miracles. BUT we have have to exercise our faith in Him! I'm so grateful for the miracles that I get to be apart of every single day. This truly is the greatest thing that I have ever done in my life. 

In ward council yesterday we were talking about making the Sabbath more meaningful. Something that stood out to me was that the sacrament is the only ordinance that we repeat for ourselves. The only one! I know that it's so important that we partake of the sacrament weekly. I'm still trying to figure out how I can make it more meaningful each week! So let me know what you guys do to give me more ideas! 

Well I love you all so much! You're all in my prayers :) Talk to you soon! 

Sister Maurcine Flamm

Monday, June 8, 2015

Week 63

I feel like I don't have a ton to write about this week.. but it's been good!! The weather has been so nice. We even rode bikes! We rode on the 4th... my 11th anniversary of getting hit by a car! (And Chantell's birthday. :)) But no worries. I didn't even die. :) But my legs were burning! We ran into some awesome people as we were biking though. We saw these people working on their car and we asked if we could help. (Like I know anything about cars.. but hey.. it was an excuse to talk to them! Ha) The lady told us no unless we had a screw driver. And guess what?! Sister Webb had one. :) So she pulled it out and let them use it! We were then able to talk to them about Family History and the gospel. It was SO good. One of the ladies were really interested and wants a good church that is family oriented. Good thing we have the perfect one for her! ;) We're gong to try and teach both of them this week. Miracles!  

I think our biggest struggle right now is getting our investigators to attend church. So if you could please pray that they'll have that desire that would be much appreciated. :) 

We had a lesson with one of our recent converts, Brother Carey, yesterday. We were talking about the Plan of Salvation and he said, "You aren't just living your life for you." Isn't that so true? In D&C 128:15 it says, "And now, my dearly beloved brethren and sisters, let me assure you that these are principles in relation to the dead and the living that cannot be lightly passed over, as pertaining to our salvation. For their salvation is necessary and essential to our salvation, as Paul says concerning the fathers—that they without us cannot be made perfect—neither can we without our dead be made perfect." I know that we're here to help one another make it back home. So that means doing missionary work for the living and the dead. :) So go find a way to serve this week! Help those that are in need. :) 

I love you all soooo much! Talk to ya next week. 
Sister Maurcine Flamm 

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Week 62

What a week. Thanks for sending the sickness my way everyone! Ha just kidding. But really... we had to stay inside for 2 days this week cause I was sick. It started out on Wednesday night with a sore throat and then I just felt so weak. We had a couple of appointments that day, so I made it through those! But then we stayed in for the rest of that night and all day Friday because I had a fever. I basically slept the day away while Sister Webb cleaned and organized everything. Ha she's such a champ! Bro Fife (the ones that we live with) bought us a thermometer and some ice cream though. So that was great! :) Then we had to teach the 5th Sunday lesson. Haha I'm surprised that  Sister Webb and I didn't pass out! We both just looked like death. But it's all good! Now we both just have stuffed noses. So we're recovering! Well at least I am. Hopefully Sister Webb doesn't get more sick. Ha. OH!! And you'll never even believe it.. but I swallowed 2 pills!!!!! Yep it only took 20 years for me to be able to swallow pills. ;) Haha I kind of cheated though and did it with applesauce. But hey, whatever works, right? I bet you are all so proud of me :) Haha 

We've definitely been living the dream here in Federal Way though. Being with Sister Webb in the greatest area ever is priceless :) I'm just loving it. We were out contacting yesterday and we asked this girl what the greatest gift that she'd ever been given was. She told us Jesus Christ and her son. So we kept talking and tied that into the Sabbath Day and how that's one of God's greatest gifts to us. It was such a good contact! She told us how she really wants to have Sunday's off of work so that she can go to church. So if you could pray for Desiree to have work off I'd really appreciate it :) We have an appointment with her tonight so we're praying that all goes well! She's like super prepared. :) 

Also if you could pray for Sade and her family as well. She's living with some family members of a different faith and they just keep throwing a bunch of anti stuff at her. The last lesson was kind of rough and she's just confused on what to believe. We keep inviting her to pray about it and not take anyone's word for it. It just breaks my heart though! She's only 12 years old and I know that this gospel is truly the only thing that will help her and her family. 

2 Nephi 31:21 "And now, behold, my beloved brethren, this is the way; and there is none other way nor name given under heaven whereby man can be saved in the kingdom of God. And now, behold, this is the doctrine of Christ, and the only and true doctrine of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, which is one God, without end. Amen."

I hope everyone gets feeling better soon! I love you all so so so much!!! :) 
Sister Maurcine Flamm 

Week 61

Are you guys ready for theeeee greatest news EVER? Ok. I'll tell you. :) Transfer calls came and guess who's staying in Federal Way?! Yep. Me! Haha when this transfer is over I'll have been here for more than half of my mission. Pretty cool, huh :)  But even better... guess who's coming to Federal Way to be my companion?! SISTER WEBB!!!!!!!! I'm seriously dying right now. Haha I love that girl SO MUCH. This is basically the best thing ever. :) 

Whew. I'm still just so excited and I can't even think about what happened this week... so let me think.. Hmm.. well we had a few really good lessons. We had a lesson with one of our investigators named Sheila. She's a single mom and has 2 kids ages 18 and 24. We were able to finally teach her whole family last week about the Plan of Salvation. She pretty much taught the whole lesson and testified to her kids about the things she's been learning. Haha it was so good! We read a bunch of scriptures about it in the Book of Mormon and it definitely brought the Spirit in. :) 

We also had a lesson with a part member Samoan family. The Vasai's are so awesome. We've been working with Sade (Shaw-day) who is 12 and now we're working with her parents as well! Her dad is a member but hasn't been active in a little while. So we taught him and his wife, who isn't a member yet, the Restoration. She was very engaged in the lesson and just wants to know more and more. :) I'm so blessed to be able to work with such amazing people! I just wish you could all meet them.. 

So we tried contacting with this scripture yesterday. It's 2 Nephi 2:26-27
 "26 And the Messiah cometh in the fulness of time, that he may redeem the children of men from the fall. And because that they are redeemed from the fall they have become free forever, knowing good from evil; to act for themselves and not to be acted upon, save it be by the punishment of the law at the great and last day, according to the commandments which God hath given.

 27 Wherefore, men are free according to the flesh; and all things are given them which are expedient unto man. And they are free to choose liberty and eternal life, through the great Mediator of all men, or to choose captivity and death, according to the captivity and power of the devil; for he seeketh that all men might be miserable like unto himself."

Because of Christ, we are free! We are able to overcome our weaknesses, sins, and even death. He is the only way! I am so grateful for my Savior and for the opportunity that we all have to choose whether or not we want to follow Him. I'm also so grateful for the men and women who have fought for our freedom. 

I love you all so much. I'm proud of you dad for blowing out all 60 of your birthday candles! And it only took 3 tries! Pretty good.. ;) Haha. 
Have a great week everyone!! 
Sister Flamm