Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Week 66


It's so weird to think that a year ago I was in this exact same area. And now I'm here again! Still being a missionary and living the dream. :) Last summer I was in a trio with Sister Muir and Kirschner and one day we were helping out at a garage sale for the boys in our ward to raise money for a high adventure trip. We were able to talk to a few nonmembers that came by and we helped them carry things out to their car. So fast forward to about a month ago.. Sister Heiner and I were together and were contacting in an apartment complex. We started talking to this couple and the lady looks at me and says, I know you! She didn't look familiar to me so I asked if we had talked before. She said yes! At a garage sale last summer. You helped me carry some items to my car! I couldn't believe it. I don't know how she remembered me! It was crazy.. so we kept talking and she said that she was in a hurry but would love to talk another time. So fast forward again to last week. We called this lady and she said that we could come over! So we went over the next day and taught her the Restoration. We really feel like she was connecting the dots and sincerely wanted to learn more. She prayed at the end and was just in tears. It was such a cool experience!!! So a lady that I met a year ago became a new investigator last week. :) Coincidence that I came back to this area? Yeah.. I don't think so. :) How crazy is that?! 

This week just got better and better though. We got to teach Kaya Warrior and her mom!! I've been trying to work with this family for a long time now. But they're just so hard to get a hold of! So one of Kaya's good friends is Courtney Walker. Courtney is 19 and has been coming out with us in preparation for her mission. So Kaya agreed to let us come over with Courtney and practice teaching together. We taught the Restoration and I feel like it went over really well. Kaya's mom grew up in the church but fell away when she was 17. Her parents got divorced and she had some really bad experiences with people saying hurtful things to her. So she fell away and hasn't been active in the church since. So as we taught we were able to bring out a lot of her concerns that we didn't know about before! So that was super helpful. We invited them to pray to know if Joseph Smith truly did see Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and they said that they would! We're going to follow up this week and hopefully go over again with Courtney and teach the Book of Mormon. Please pray for them!! They are such an amazing family and I know that the gospel will bless them so much. 

I really like Elder Renlund's talk from this last conference. He said that, "The Church is like a big hospital, and we are all sick in our own way. We come to church to be helped." I know that that is so true. The church is 100% perfect, but the people aren't. We're all in need of help so we just have to be patient with one another :) 
Well I hope everyone has a great week! I love you all so much :) 

Sister Maurcine Flamm 

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