Saturday, March 22, 2014

Week 1

Hey everyone!! :) It's P-day!! Oh my goodness. Being a missionary is just fantastic. :) I love it so much! On Wednesday I got my name tag. I am now an official representative of my Savior Jesus Christ. Ahh.. I still can't get over that. It's just the greatest! When we first got to the MTC, my companion Sister Peterson and I taught an "investigator" about the Book of Mormon. It went pretty well! I thought it was going to be hard, but it's easy to talk about something that you know is absolutely true.

On Thursday I realized that THIS IS NOT ABOUT ME! Like at all. I am just an instrument in the hands of the Lord right now. I need to focus on helping investigators get a relationship with their Heavenly Father.
On Friday we sat in the classroom for what felt like all day. But we got some really good things accomplished and we learned a lot! We taught our investigator Brad and things just didn't go so hot. Haha Sister Peterson and I realized that we know how to teach a lesson, we just don't know how to teach PEOPLE. I seriously have a lot to learn. Haha. But I guess it was way good for us to get shut down so that we can stop being so prideful. ;)
As for my district, there's 8 of us. 4 Sisters and 4 Elders. We're all 18/19 except for one Elder who is 25. Elder Tauoa is Samoan and I am very impressed that he made the decision to serve. It would be hard to be one of the older ones! But that just shows how much he truly loves his Savior. Sister Peterson and I are the only ones going to Washington and then 4 are going to Florida and the other two are going to Ohio. I met Sister Webb who I thought might be my companion! She's the one I talked to on Facebook before my mission. She's super cute too.

So Sister Peterson and I are the only ones in our room. Haha there's 6 beds in there. But it's pretty nice to be able to have some space. :) She is seriously so great. I couldn't have asked for a better companion! We totally just clicked from the very beginning. We're different, but so much alike at the same time. I just love her! We like to talk.. probably way too much. Haha I think the first night we stayed up til midnight just laying in our beds talking. So now we've been trying to go to bed earlier. I just plan on being tired for the next 18 months. But that's ok. I can sleep when I'm dead. ;)

The MTC food is pretty good! I don't really know why people complained about it.. because there's a million different options! Plus they have a salad bar too. And I like salad.. so it's cool. :) They have a lot of healthy options. So I better not gain weight while I'm here! I'll just make sure to use my gym time well. :)
Something that I've been trying to do lately is to strive to see everyone as Heavenly Father sees them. Because we are ALL equal. It's kind of hard sometimes. But I know that we can do it! So everyone should try harder to do that too. :)

Well I love you all so much! Keep writing me letters and dear elders. It's great to hear from everyone! I'll talk to you soon! :)

Sister Flamm

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