Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Week 38


I hope everyone's doing alright! This week has been pretty great! I love my new area and my new companion. Haha Sister Pearson is so great!! We have so much fun together. :) And she's definitely helping me out so much! She goes home at the end of this transfer though. So that's the pits! But we'll have a good 5 weeks together. :) 

So I'm in Puyallup South and we live in a house and we have the whole thing to ourselves! Haha we are so spoiled right now. It's pretty fantastic. :) We even have a dishwasher and an oven that works! Ha I'm pretty pumped. :) 

Alright so we were contacting a referral the other day, but they weren't home. We then saw that their neighbor was outside so we started walking over there to talk to him. As we were walking his dog bolted at us and kept trying to jump on us. It was super annoying... but we kept trying to talk to this guy about his family and the gospel and things. So as we were talking to him his dog kept sniffing my boot. I kept trying to shew him away, but it just wasn't happening! So I decided to just ignore it. I then turned and looked over at Sister Pearson and her eyes got HUGE. She then pointed at my feet and started freaking out. Then.. I felt it. And it definitely wasn't the Spirit! Ha this dog PEED ON MY LEG AND BOOT! Haha I thought I was going to die... I'm telling ya.. It was the worst thing ever!!! How does that even happen?? Geez. SMH. I couldn't even believe it. And what do we do? We laugh and then keep talking to this guy about the gospel! Want to know the worst part of it though? He wasn't interested. -_- Haha for real.. that guy owes me. I'm going to go back and tell him that he has to at least let me teach him the Restoration! #NEVERgettingapet#ever

But on a better note, we had 4 investigators come to church yesterday! We were pretty happy about that. :) The members here are awesome and are really fellowshipping all of these people. I'll tell you more about them in my letter home or something though. :) 

Well I can't think of what else happened this week.. so I guess that's all. :) Haha I love you guys so much! Thank you for all of the prayers! I can feel them working in my life. :) I know that prayer is real. I know that Heavenly Father loves us SO much that He sent His Son to earth so that we could make it back Home again someday. I love my Savior. He lives! And I'm so grateful for him in my life because I have so many weaknesses! But I know that because of Him I can become better. :) Let's all do what we can to bring more unto Him! #sharethegift :)

Sister Flamm

Week 37


Man.. I feel so bad for my favorite little Skyler!! It breaks my heart to see him struggling! I'll keep him in my prayers for sure. I can't believe that him and Ethan both have been diagnosed with diabetes at such young ages! I hope and pray that the doctors will be able to continue to help him though. You guys are killing me. Stop it with all the sicknesses and stuff! 

Speaking about sicknesses.. I was pretty sick to my stomach when our phone rang the other night! We were at a member's house at like 9p.m. and were trying to get out the door. While we were there we kept getting a bunch of texts from like everyone and their dog. Then as we were walking out to the car, our phone started ringing. I took it out of my pocket, looked at it, and saw that President Eaton was calling. And I was like oh crap. So I answered and President says, "Sister Flamm! Thank you for being such an amazing missionary. You have been called to serve as a Sister Training Leader." I was like, "Are you kidding me right now?!" Then Pres. said, "I'm dead serious!" He then told me to pull out a piece of paper and started giving me some instructions. What in the world?! That totally blind sighted me. You're supposed to train before you become a sister training leader. But apparently I'm an exception to the rules! Ha geez.. I don't even know what is going on. When I had my interview with Elder Hamula he mentioned that I need to look forward to the leadership opportunities that would be mine in the near future. I didn't know that he meant the near NEAR future! Ha. Crazy..  But my new companion's name is Sister Pearson and she's also a sister training leader. So hopefully I'll be able to learn lots from her. :) I'll be in Puyallup South cover 2 wards again! So it should be super exciting. :) Ha I just hope that I can do the things that Heavenly Father wants me to do in this next area. 

Saying goodbye to everyone in Dolloff and Star Lake was super sad. There were a lot of tears from the members and I just didn't even know what to do! I just tried to keep a positive attitude cause I'm definitely coming back to see these people again. I just love them all so much!! And I'm grateful that I had the opportunity to touch some lives there. :) Because they all definitely touched mine! 

Well I hope you all have a fantastic week! You guys are always in my prayers. Give Skyler a kiss for me!! I miss my little buddy. I love you all so much! And I'll talk to you real soon! I can't even believe that it's almost Christmas!! Ahhh! 

All my love, 
Sister Flamm 

Monday, December 1, 2014

Week 36

Hello Flammily! 

What a week! Thanksgiving was pretty good! Definitely not the same... but still good! We had a mission activity that morning and we all got together and played sports and stuff. I didn't know that's what we were going to do though.. so I curled my hair. And not going to lie, it looked dang good! Haha. But then soccer in the RAIN happened. It was so muddy and wet.. and then my hair was destroyed. But no big deal. I'm over it. ;) Haha. After that we had dinner at a members home and then tried to find people to share the gospel with! We met a lady who spoke Persian who let us in her home. She was super nice! We showed her the "He is The Gift" video. I decided that I absolutely can't wait until there isn't a language barrier one day. That'll be nice. :) But if you haven't watched that video yet, DO IT! And then share it with someone. 

This week it SNOWED! Haha I got out of the shower and my companion was just staring out the window with the biggest smile on her face. She looked like a little kid at Christmas! Haha. But it snowed about two inches and then guess what? They banned us from driving our cars and riding bikes. They said we had to be on foot for the day! I was like are you kidding me?! This is nothing!! So we had a service project that we had to do at the church that morning that a member took us to. But then we had to walk back home in the freezing cold. Haha it was only like 2ish miles, but it was brutual. And now I know how the Elders who don't have cars feel... haha. But after we made it back home we got a call saying that we could use the cars again. HALLELUJAH! So we were happy about that. :) I did find out that our name tags make great window scrapers though! ;) 

A huge miracle happened this week! We've been working with a part member family and the husband committed to be baptized in January!! We were so excited! So now they can start working towards being sealed as a family :) Joe is the dad to that cute little girl that I sent you guys a picture of two weeks ago. I just love them!! And they all came to church for the first time as a family yesterday! I can't wait to come back for his baptism. 

Well.. it's not really looking like Angelika is going to be baptized this week. I know.. it's super disappointing. It breaks my heart! But I know that Heavenly Father has something in mind. Something that's greater than my plans. :) It'll all work out!! 

I hope everyone is starting to feel better! I'm sorry that the flu hit you guys so hard. That's no fun at all. And Spence, get better and go back to school! You're not ever going to be able to graduate if you don't go to school! Ha. I love you guys so much! Have the best week ever! 

Sister Maurcine Flamm