Monday, May 5, 2014

Week 7

This week was SO HOT!! One day it was in the 70's, then the 80's, and then the 90's!!! It was crazy. I loved it though. :)

So Deshaun dropped us... yep. That's all. That was a big bummer. :( But he'll come around soon!

We had exchanges this week and it was sweet! I went with our sister training leader, Sister Judd, to Kent. There is a ton more people there! We were talking to everyone. We taught the Restoration to these 2 guys on their doorstep and it was pretty intense. Haha I've only ever really done sit down lessons, so this was a whole new experience! So ya. We taught them as the smoked their cigars. Ha it was great ;) I learned a lot from Sister Judd though. She is an amazing missionary!! She was born in the states but grew up in England. So that was pretty cool! But I hope that I can be half of the missionary that she is!

So we got Little Ceasar's pizza the other day and guess what. It was $7. What the heck?! It's supposed to be a $5 pizza!!! So ridiculous. People these days... haha.

Before my mission I never really had my beliefs questioned before. It's amazing to have people tell you that, "You're young and you've got a lot to learn!" or "You need to study more religions." We had a lady this last week who invited us into her house and then pretty much just bashed on us. She did it nicely, but it was just frustrating! She told us that we're adding to the Bible and that she doesn't need to do anything to return to live with Heavenly Father because by grace, she's been saved. It all just doesn't make sense to me. I know that Jesus Christ suffered for ALL of us. And that ALL of us can and will be resurrected again someday! But we have to live the gospel of Jesus Christ if we want to have Eternal Life. We have to work for it! I'm glad that I have the opportunity to let people know of the truth though. This really is such an amazing experience!

We also ran into a man who said that Jesus was a great prophet and that's all. It made me sad that he didn't realize that Jesus Christ is our Savior! He wasn't just a prophet. It is through his atonement that we can return to live with him and our Heavenly Father again someday! Man. I am so blessed to have been raised in the gospel. :)

I've got to go though. So I'll talk to you on Sunday!! Wahoo! :) Oh and I have to speak in church on that day.. so pray for me that I can take up the time that I need to. Cause apparently I'm the last speaker. Great... ;) But I love you all! :) 

I LOVE Young Women's. We had a pajama party the other night with the girls and it was a blast :) Alexa is like thee cutest girl ever. I love her!

-Sister Maurcine Flamm

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