Monday, April 27, 2015

Week 57

You think you have things figured out and then... bam. 

Our trio has officially been broken up. :/ Sister Bailey got transferred to Enumclaw on Saturday because another sister had to go home for medical reasons. So that was super sad! I love that girl. She is SUCH  a good missionary and I've learned so much from her. She's going to do great things in her new area though. Enumclaw is so pretty :) So Sister Heiner and I are still together. She's a great missionary as well. She's been out about 3 months and is from Farmington, Utah. :) I think she's my 7th companion from Utah. Ha 

This week was so good. Bianca got baptized!!! :) She is just the sweetest girl and has a fire in her to learn about the gospel. She was ready to make this covenant with her Father in Heaven and because of that, it was such a spirit packed baptism. Her friend Preston baptized her. So that was really neat! The youth in this ward are AMAZING. So shout out to Autumn, Abby, and Preston for being such good member missionaries! :) 

We found a new investigator this last week named Dynamite. She's a 17 year old Samoan. Haha she's hilarious. I love teaching her! So please keep her and her family in your prayers. 

We had a lesson with a Vietnamese man last night. He was so sweet!! It was a little hard to understand everything that he was saying.. but I know that he is being prepared by Heavenly Father. At the end of our lesson he prayed and thanked Heavenly Father for sending us to him. He was in tears and it melted my heart. Such a cute little man! So we're going to keep teaching him (Eddie) and his son. :) 

Great things are happening here. I'm so grateful to be back in Federal Way to be able to be apart of so many miracles. :) Heavenly Father is truly blessing me!!

I love you all! Have an amazing week! :) 
Sister Maurcine Flamm 

Monday, April 20, 2015

Week 56

Hey Family! 

So... this is going to be extremely short. Sister Kirschner and Sister Muir(who recently when home and is back to visit) and I are going to Mt. Rainier! So.. pray that I don't die. ;) Ha we have to be home and out working by 6. So it's going to be a quick trip! But it should be super fun. :) 

Life in the trio is going good! We all get along well with each other so that's a huge blessing :) 
So we had a lesson with a new investigator last week and it was a little rough... she is a really talkative lady. Ha we had to jump in every time she took a breath and it was so hard! But we taught her the Restoration and then set up another time to come back. So we went back the other day to teach the Book of Mormon. She was home but didn't answer the door. So what do I do? I call her as we're standing right outside of her door. :) Haha. She was like, "Is this the Mormons? I saw you outside and I'm real sorry.. but I ain't answering the door! I am i n t o x i c a t e d!" Then she continued to talk my ear off for another 5 minutes or more. Hahaha oh man.. it was insane. She's great and we're going to help her to change her life around :) Ha. She was that lady that I told you about quite a few weeks ago. The one that I shared a BOM scripture with and she started dancing and asked us if it was in her Bible. Haha. The people that you meet on your mission.. it's just the greatest thing ever. :) 

Well I love you all so much! Hope everyone is doing well and I'll talk to you next week! 
Sister Flamm 

Week 55

Well hey!

So... Sister Bailey and I are staying in Federal Way another transfer! And... we're getting another companion! Haha yep. I'm going to be in a trio again. Talk about crazy. I go from having my own bathroom in Puyallup South to having only one and sharing it with 2 other people. The struggle is about to get real. Haha. It should be good though! I'm excited. And scared. And excited.. ;) 

So great news! Gaby and Sergio finally got baptized on Sunday!!! Haha they were so stinking cute. Gaby is 8 months pregnant. But you better believe that she went all the way down in the water and back up like a champ! Ha she's the cutest. :) I'm so happy for their little family. The gospel has changed their life for the better. 

We were heading to a dinner appointment the other day and we saw a guy outside of his apartment. So we went over and talked to him real quick. We were talking to him a little bit about the resurrection of Christ and asked if he thought that it was real. Then we asked him if he thought that he would be resurrected and live again as well. He wasn't too sure about it, so we testified to him. So anyways, we keep talking and testifying to him how God has a plan for him. He said that we could come back and share more with him. As we were getting his information I simply told him that I knew that this would change his life for the better. He looked at us and so sincerely and said "Really? Because I've done some really bad things in my life that I'm not proud of." ahh.. it was so perfect! I wish you could have been there. He took a pamphlet and said that he was going to go read it and that he was very interested in learning more. I'm telling ya, people are prepared! And it seems like it's at inconvenient times that we find them :) Ha but that's ok! I love it when people actually give us the time of day to teach and testify to them of the truth of the gospel. :)  

I love you all so much! Thanks for all of the pictures :) And congrats to little Brynnlee!! I'm so happy that you got baptized!! :) 

Have a great week! 

Sister Maurcine Flamm 

Week 54

Hey! How was everyone's Easter?! Hopefully you all got to watch conference because that was super good. :) We spent the day at a members home watching it with one of our investigators. We had cinnamon rolls and orange julius's for breakfast and I decided that I'm going to make that a new tradition. Cause it was awesome. :) Ha. Then we had a huge lunch. There was SO many people there! But it was cool because they all just went out of their way to make us feel right at home and part of their family. :) 

This week we went around with a little DVD player and showed everyone the Because He Lives video. I was surprised at how many people actually let us show it to them! And you know what's awesome? We even got a few new investigators because of it!! So if your could pray for Lakea and Sister Harris that would be awesome. We're going to go teach them about the Book of Mormon tonight, so it should be really good. :) 

So one of my favorite talks from conference was from Dale G. Renlund. He talked about how God cares about who we are becoming. He said not to worry about the past, but to press forward and to be better. Satan always tries to make us focus on our past and tells us that there's no hope for us. But because of Jesus Christ, I know that there is hope!  I also really like Elder Holland's talk. The Savior grasps us, holds us, and lifts us to Eternal Life. I'm so grateful for Him and his victory. I know that he truly is there for each and every one of us. :) 

I love you all and hope that you had a great Easter! Talk to you soon :) 
"..remember to retain the name written always in your hearts.."- Mosiah 5:12
Sister Maurcine Flamm