Monday, June 2, 2014

Week 11

I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am right now. So I told you a little bit about Evan in my letter home last week, but I'll give you the run down again. Evan is the injured war veteran who is blind. He's in his 20's and is SUPER cool. We were actually trying to meet his grandma (who was a former investigator) and then ended up meeting him instead! He lives with his dad and his grandma. And a week or 2 ago we tried talking to his grandma and dad, but they weren't interested. So as we were going to leave, Evan pretty much just walked right up to us and started a conversation. (And yes, he's completely blind!) We got to know him a little bit and he told us that he was in Afghanistan and got blown up. So anyways, we sat there and talked to him for a good hour! And then he told us that he didn't know how people could go to church every week and just read and re-read from the Bible. So we told him about continued revelation and scripture that we have. And he was super interested! So we told him that we'd get him a copy of The Book of Mormon on CD so that he could listen to it. And then we were able to set up an appointment to teach him! 

So on Saturday we taught Evan the Restoration. It was the most amazing lesson that I've ever taught. Everything about it was perfect! We taught him about Joseph Smith and then he said, "Wow. That's amazing! I've never heard that before." So we bore our testimony to him and then told him if he wanted to know if what we told him was true, he needed to ask God. So we invited him to pray and he did!! And he gave one of the most sincere prayers I've ever heard. He asked God whether or not our message was true and then thanked Him for sending us to him. After the prayer we sat in silence for a minute and then asked Evan how he was feeling. And he just smiled and said, "I feel good." The Spirit was SO strong!! Then we did it... we asked him to baptized and HE SAID YES!!!! EVAN COMMITTED TO BE BAPTIZED ON THE FIRST LESSON!!!! Oh my goodness. I'm still just dying!!! I KNOW that God truly does prepare His children to hear the gospel. And Evan is definitely prepared!! :) But if you could still keep him in your prayers, that would be fantastic. :) He's on date for July 12th! :) 

Man, so much happened this week.. but Evan was definitely the highlight. :) There was a horrible thing that happened though.. want to hear about it? Good, cause I'm going to tell you. ;) Haha. So on Friday we tried to contact a referral of a less active that was given to us by President Eaton. So we go by the house and the guy that we were looking for wasn't home, but his dad was. We started talking to this guy, Chad, for a few minutes and tried talking to him about the gospel. But he just wasn't very interested.. So we were like, " Ok. Well good to meet you Chad! See you later!" And then he opened up his arms and pulled Sister Goaslind and I in for a big ole HUG! I was like oh my gosh! I'm not supposed to hug guys!! But that wasn't even the worst part... he then KISSED SISTER GOASLIND AND I ON THE HEAD!!!!! I was completely freaked out.We ran out of there as fast as we could... It was HORRIBLE!! And this wasn't some cute old man.. this was a creepy middle aged buff guy. I thought I was going to throw up. SO GROSS! I'm not supposed to be kissed on my mission.. but it just happened.. Haha it was my worst day. 

But anyways! Besides creeper Chad, my week was fantastic. :) The weather has been good and things are going great with our investigators!  I know that as we open our mouths, great things will happen. People truly are just waiting to hear the gospel! We just have to have the faith to find those people. :) 

I hope you all have a great week! Oh, and Happy Birthday (On the 4th) Chantell!! You're SO old!! ;) Haha. And happy 10 year anniversary to me! Wasn't it ten years ago on the 4th that I got hit by a car? I'm pretty sure it was. I'm glad that I got to share that day with such a cool sister like you, Chantell. ;) Haha. I love you all! Talk to you next week! :) 

Check out our cute rides! Yep. I rode a bike in a skirt. And guess what? It decided to dump buckets of rain on us that day! Haha it was insane.. and very difficult. I was sure sore the next day! ;) 

After being drenched by the rain.. haha my makeup was going everywhere. It was the best. ;) 

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