Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Week 50

How was everyone's week? I feel like mine has been complete dejavu.(I don't know how to spell that.Ha) It's so weird to be back in Federal Way!! But I'm pumped. And I think the young women were as well! We went to mutual the other night and we walked in and one of the leaders said, "The Sisters are back!!" Then everyone just started cheering! Haha it was awesome. :) Then we dropped by at Olivia and Destiny's (recent converts) and Destiny opens the door, gives me a hug and says, "I missed you!!" Haha it was adorable. I just love all of these people. I'm excited to be back :) 

So my new companion is Sister Bailey! She's from Utah (Like most of my other companions. Ha) She's SO great though. I got lucky cause I swear she came pre-trained. She's a hard worker and is doing her best to overcome her fears. So I really admire that. We're going to have a great time together. :) 

The other day we were knocked on an investigators door that the elders were working with. Her mom answered and didn't seem like she was in a good mood at all. She expressed that she was frustrated that the boys had kept knocking on her door especially when her daughter wasn't home. So we let her pretty much unload on us without us hardly saying a word! Then she started telling us about some family problems that she was having and how she was a victim of domestic violence. We kept listening and then when the time was right, I asked her if we could share a scripture with her. I pulled out the Book of Mormon and shared Ether 12:27 and boy, did she get excited! She's this awesome black lady who did this little dance after I read the scripture and then said, "Is that in my Bible?! I like that!" Haha so we explained to her a little bit about the Book of Mormon and she said that the boys had given her daughter one. So we wrote down Ether 12 and invited her to read the whole chapter. She said that she would! So we're hoping and praying that that softened her heart and that she'll let us start teaching her and her daughter soon! 

I know that the Book of Mormon is truly the word of God. I know that the words in it are true! And that they can help us in our every day lives. I'm really trying to share the Book of Mormon more as we contact! So if you come up with any good questions and scriptures for me to use, let me know. :) Also, if you haven't checked out this video about the Book of Mormon, you need to. :) https://www.lds.org/media-library/video/2011-11-018-a-book-of-mormon-story?lang=eng
I love you all so much!! Have a good week! 

Sister Flamm 

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