Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Week 15

Well hellooo everyone! 

I'm alive :) And things are going great! My companions Sisters Muir and Kirschner are pretty much awesome. We're going to have a great transfer together! :) We live in the basement of a members home. And... we have a bunk bed! Cool, huh. ;) Ha Sister Kirschner was like, "Yeah!! I call top bunk!" Sister Muir and I just look at her and say, "It's all yours!" Haha she was so excited because she said that she never got top bunk as a child. But after sleeping up there the last few days, she realized that it's a lot harder getting up and down than her younger years. Haha poor Sister Kirschner... ;) Actually, poor me! Sister Kirschner snores SO. LOUD. It's ridiculous! Tanya snored when we roomed together and now my companion snores as well. Come on people. It's a good thing I have earplugs!!

Members: Hi I'm Brother so and so. What's your name?
Me: Hi! I'm Sister Flamm. :) 
Members: Flamm?! Are you related to Daniel Flamm?? 
Me: Uhh... maybe?

Yeah. So apparently I have a cousin named Daniel? And everyone and their dog asked me about him this last week. Haha it was crazy. But I guess he owns a house here in Federal Way, but is in Paris right now for work or something. So that's pretty cool! The members in my ward all love him and his family. That awkward moment when you don't know who your cousins are because they're all way older than you.... Haha.

So we're covering two wards here. One is Star Lake and the other one is Dolloff Lake. So I go to church from 9-2! So you guys can't complain that you're too tired to go to church. ;) Haha. No but it's really good! There are some amazing members here who are really helping the work to move forward. I'm excited to be able to serve here. I already know that I'm here for a reason. :) 

Well I hope you all have a fantastic week! I'm glad that everyone is going to Idaho now that I'm gone! What the heck is up with that?? Chantell and Tanya. *cough cough* And apparently Zak Wilson? Geez guys. I see how it is! I guess I'll just stay in Washington for the rest of forever. ;) 

I love you all and I'll talk to you next week!  
Sister Flamm

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