Thursday, October 30, 2014

Week 31

Whew.. hello everyone! 

My mind has been completely blown with all of the things that are going on back at home! Welcome home Kiah and Joseph!! I can't believe people actually come home from their missions! ;) Haha. I'm so happy for Maddi and Emily though. They are going to make excellent missionaries. They're in for the time of their lives! Missionary work is amazing :) 

So this week has been full of miracles. We met a less active family who asked us to keep coming by so that we can help them get active again. Ha we were so shocked!! But of course we gladly agreed. :) 

The Iraq family had some sort of water leak in their house and water was EVERYWHERE. So we borrowed a dry-vac from one of our members and went to work! We sucked up at least 70 gallons of water out of their carpet and that wasn't even all of it! We then got in contact with the apartment manager and they were able to clean up the rest. The Iraq family was so happy! I'm so grateful that we were able to help them out. :) 

We also met another less active a few weeks ago who invited us to come to her house and teach her and her family.Sister Villa and her son got baptized a little more than a year ago and then her husband and daughter aren't members yet. They are thee funniest people I have ever met! Haha I thought I was going to die last night because I was laughing so hard. But we also had a very spiritual lesson as well. We talked about the Book of Mormon and bore testimony of it's truth. You could tell that Bro. Villa was definitely touched by the Spirit. They were so sweet and thanked us for coming over. Then they invited us over for dinner and a lesson next week! I hope that we'll be able to continue to teach them! But Spanish is their first language.. so we might have to refer them to the Spanish Sisters. But we'll see. :) Bro. Villa said we could help him improve on his English and that he'd teach us Spanish. Cause one year of Spanish in High School clearly wasn't enough for me.. haha. 

I hope you all have a fantastic week! Keep looking for the miracles in your life. :) And check out this new Bible video because it's pretty much amazing. I love you all!!! 

Hermana Flamm ;) 

P.S. Good luck with your baptism this week, Ethan!! I wish I could be there to see you. But I'm so grateful that you are making the decision to follow our Savior. :)

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Week 30

Dear Flammily and friends, 

Angelika hasn't set a new baptismal date yet.. but please keep praying for her! She really is going through a lot in her life right now. I know that she can get through it though because she truly does have a strong testimony. I think she understands a lot more than I did when I was 15! She's amazing and I know that I'm in this area for her. :) 

I've seen quite a difference as I have tried to make the sacrament more meaningful in my life recently. As I've read talks about the sacrament and scriptures on it I have really strengthened my testimony and understanding of my Savior's Atonement. I sat by an older man at church yesterday who is completely blind. As we were preparing for the sacrament, I glanced over at him and saw that he had his hands in his lap with one palm facing upwards. The deacon passing the sacrament then stood in front of him to offer the bread. I then realized that he would need help taking a piece of bread! So I grabbed one and told him that I was putting it into his hand. He was very appreciative and told me thank you so much. He then kept the bread in his hands for a few moments before he put it into his mouth. Then as the water was being passed, he sat there with his thumb and index finger sticking out so that he would be able to grab the cup when it was placed in his hands. I sat there and tried my best to hold back the tears as I watched this man truly prepare himself to partake of the sacrament. He was so anxious to do it! After that I thought of our Savior and how he suffered and died for every single one of us. He died so that all of us would one day be able to be resurrected and have perfect immortal bodies. I know that because of Jesus Christ, this humble man will one day receive his sight and be made pure. I'm so very grateful for my Savior. I know that He lives! And His love is real. 
We are SO blessed to have this gospel in our lives. I'm so grateful for the opportunity to partake of the sacrament each week and be cleansed from my mistakes. Cause I am definitely not perfect. 

I love you all so much!! And I challenge each of you to make partaking the sacrament a more meaningful experience in your lives. I'm going to continue to do that as well! Have a great week. :) 

-Sister Maurcine Flamm

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Week 29

Life is full of disappointments sometimes. Angelika texted us the other day and said that she wanted to hold off on her baptism this week. I was completely heartbroken when I heard that! But as I've prayed about it Heavenly Father has really comforted me. I know that she will still get baptized! She just needs a little bit more time. All I want is for her to become truly converted. And I trust that Heavenly Father will continue to prepare her. And when the time is right she will be ready. :) 

We had the opportunity to teach a lady from China this week! Her name is Jessie and she's friends with a family in our ward. The Lund family went to China a few years ago and taught English. And while they were there they gained a strong friendship with Jessie and her family. So Jessie and her daughter came to Washington for a few weeks to visit them! We were able to teach her the Restoration and it was such a spiritual lesson. Sister Lund and her daughter sat in as well and they bore such sweet testimonies! I wish we could have members with us at all of our lessons! They really make the difference. At the end of the lesson we all knelt down in their family room and Jessie offered the prayer. She took her time and you could tell that it truly was a two way communication between her and her Father in Heaven. All of us were just in tears at the end of it! Ahh.. It was amazing. Moments like that just make it all worth it. :) 

I love you all so very much! Thanks for everything that you do to help me. And thanks for all of the prayers! It's definitely giving me strength. :) Have a great week!

-Sister Maurcine Flamm 

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Week 28

Hello Flammily! :) 

Whew.. what a week :) Conference was pretty much amazing! I loved it so much. We were able to watch the Sundaymorning session at a member's home with Angelika. We gave her a little notebook to write down questions and thoughts that she had and she definitely did that! After the session was over she told us that she was feeling a little unsure about being baptized on October 18th. But during conference someone talked about how no unclean thing can dwell in the presence of God. So then she told us that she knew that she needed to get baptized so that she could be worthy to live with our Heavenly Father again someday. Ahhh. Words can't even describe how happy I was :) Ha as a mission we've really been trying to help our investigators to learn by faith and find answers for themselves. Because we can share experiences all day long with them! But it's not until they experience things for themselves that it really clicks and means something personal to them. It's hard because it takes a lot more preparation on our part, but it's totally worth it. :) 

We got to watch Meet the Mormons as a mission this last week! Everyone needs to go watch it. It was SOOO good! I really enjoyed it. But I don't know.. maybe that's because I haven't seen a movie in over 6 months? ;) Haha. But seriously. Go to it at take your friends!! It's a very non-threatening way to share the gospel :) 

The biggest thing that I got out of conference was that I need to make the Sacrament a more meaningful and spiritual experience. I truly do love my Savior and I know that it is because of His Atonement that I can be cleansed and make it back to my heavenly home.

I liked what Elder Hamula said in conference. He said, "By the power of the resurrection, all of us will be restored to the presence of God. That reality presents to us the fundamental question of our lives. The fundamental question facing all of us is not whether we live, but with whom we will live after we die. While everyone of us will return to the presence of God, not everyone of us will remain with him." I love that statement! It's completely up to us whether or not we live with our Heavenly Father and Savior. I want you all to know that I love all of you! And I want to live in Heaven with all of my friends and family someday. :) 

I hope you all feel the love of our Savior this week. And when you feel it, share it. Help others to feel the love as well. :) 

Love you all sooo much. 
-Sister Maurcine Flamm 

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Week 27


So.. I totally cursed myself. The other day I was thinking of how blessed I was because I really hadn't been sick on my mission! And then boom. It hit me. On Friday we had to stay in the apartment ALL DAY LONG because I felt like crap. It was the worst!! And the longest day of my mission. Pretty sure that Angelika got me sick. Haha but it's all good! Because I'm pretty much over it now. :) Haha but it was funny because yesterday at church I wore my glasses because my contact irritated my eye. So I'm sure I looked real good with my red eye, glasses, and runny nose! ;) Ha but Aiden came up to me and was like, "What's wrong with your eye? Did you touch a jalapeno and get it in your eye??" Haha it was pretty funny. That kid cracks me up :) 

Angelika is still on date for the 18th of October! She feels like that's the right date for her. :) At our lesson the other night she told us that there's a mormon boy in her class named Ammon. (What a perfect name, right? :) She told us that she really admires him because he's bold and tells everyone that he's a member of the church. She said that she wanted to tell him that she was almost a member as well! But that she was just too scared. I love that Angelika is able to see and know strong youth who boldly declare who they are. We all need to boldly declare who we are as well. We are all sons and daughters of a loving Heavenly Father who knows us perfectly! We need to show the world who we are and what we stand for :) 

I hope everyone has a great week this week! And Happy Birthday to Lydia and Alyssa yesterday! :) I love you all so much. Please continue to pray for Angelika! And also the Iraq family. They're really struggling because their mother Norea passed away last week. But I know that they can get through this trial because death is not the end! 
All my love, 

Sister Maurcine Flamm 

 "He is offering the grand recipe for happiness, peace, and eternal life. To qualify for these glorious blessings you must humble yourself, exercise faith, take upon you the name of Christ, seek him in word and deed and resolutely stand as a witness of God at all times, and in all things, and in all places." -Dieter F. Uchtdorf 

Week 26

Hello!! Happy Monday everyone! Ha Monday's are the greatest days :) 
This week was awesome!! We found a new investigator this week who we taught the Restoration to. Her name is Tealiscia (Ta-lee-see-uh) and she's 16 years old. You can tell that she really wants more truth and direction in her life. And guess what? She committed to be baptized on November 1st!! We have our next lesson with her tonight and we're praying that her mom and brother will be there and sit in on it as well! 
So... Angelika is AWESOME. She came to church and the missionary devotional last night even though she wasn't feeling well. Before sacrament meeting started she told me how she's felt the Spirit in her life lately. She then said that she felt like she is a member already but just hasn't been baptized. She talked about how all of the things she's learning is changing her for the better and how she just strives to do what's right. So then I asked her about baptism and if she was ready to make that commitment yet. And she said yes! So we told her to think and pray about a date. :) 
So she went home after sacrament meeting and I prayed and prayed that she'd be able to make it to the devotional that night. Heavenly Father answered my prayer and she was able to make it! After it was over President Eaton announced that the next devotional would be on the 19th of October. So I leaned over to Angelika and said, "You should get baptized on the 18th. :)" I don't know why I said that.. but I'm pretty certain that it was the Spirit! But then she nodded her head and said, "Yeah I think so too!" I was SO shocked and so excited!! So we encouraged her to pray about that date and get the confirmation from Heavenly Father. Ahh... it was awesome!! Then as we were talking to everyone afterwards she went up to the Bishop and told him that she was going to get baptized! Haha I about died. Greatest moment of my life! I know that the Spirit is working in Angelika's life right now and I'm so grateful that she's recognizing that. 
The church is true, my friends. :) It's exciting to be able to watch this gospel change the lives of our brothers sisters. I am SO blessed to be able to be apart of this great work. :) 
I've got to run but If you could all please pray for Angelika and Tealiscia I would very much appreciate it. :) I love you all!!! :) 
-Sister Maurcine Flamm 

Week 25

So news is that I'm getting a new companion! I'm staying here in Federal Way and Sister Kirschner is getting transferred. So we'll see how things go! Ha. I'll get my new companion today. Pray for us!!  

My Bishop in the Star Lake ward gave a talk on Sunday that really stood out to me. So I wanted to share a little bit of the insights that I got from it :) 

He started out talking about when the apostles saw Christ walking on the water. In Matthew 14:25-33 it says,
"25 And in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went unto them, walking on the sea.

26 And when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, It is a spirit; and they cried out for fear.

27 But straightway Jesus spake unto them, saying, Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid.

28 And Peter answered him and said, Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water.

29 And he said, Come. And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus.

30 But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me.

31 And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?"

First of all, Peter had the desire to walk on the water. And because of his desire, Christ told him to come! So Peter started walking on the water towards Christ. He then became afraid and started to sink. He cried out for help from our Savior and immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand and lifted him up. Bishop then started talking about how sometimes we doubt and become afraid and as we cry out for help, Christ is there to save us. But this is the interesting part to me. Christ didn't just pick Peter up out of the water and carry him back to the boat. He took him by the hand and walked with him. So Peter was still walking on water! But with the help of our Savior. I know that sometimes things in life seem impossible, but we too can "walk on water" because of Him. 
Sorry it's kind of hard to put into words what I'm thinking in my head.. ha so I hope that made a little bit of sense. But I hope everyone has a fantastic week! I love you all so much :) If you could keep Norea and the rest of the Iraq family in your prayers that would be greatly appreciated. I don't think Norea is going to make it much longer because the cancer has spread throughout her body. :/ It breaks my heart but I know that she'll be free from the pain soon. 
I love you all!! 
Lots of Love, 
Sister Maurcine Flamm